
There are 15 repositories under djanogo-rest-framework topic.

  • Gurupatil0003/Django_Tutorial_learn

    Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It's designed to help developers build web applications quickly, with a focus on reusability and "pluggability" of components. Django follows the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle, which means avoiding repetition of code, and it promotes

  • Amir10t/Wcid

    !شغل آیندتو پیدا کن

  • GitHub-Sanjit/profiles-rest-api

    Source code for profiles REST API project.

  • mrsaqibale/TodoApp

    Todo App in Django, Crud Opertions of django, CREATE, UPDATE, SHOW TASK with help of classes, and override function of context in ListView

  • mustashrf/Contacts-Manager-API

    Contacts Manager API, is a powerful tool for managing user contacts seamlessly. This API provides CRUD functionality for users or contacts, along with secure login using JWT tokens. Built on the robust Django Rest Framework for the backend and React for the frontend.

  • pacmancity/django-xml-parser

    тестовое задание, приложение для добавления данных из xml в базу данных

  • pratikmandge/Product-Translator

    Product Application with internationalization

  • Rouch3362/social-media

    this is a social media project that I built to improve my skills in django and django rest framework

  • Abdymambetov/FullStack-Todo

    Test Task

  • iamsohel/birthday-greeting-sender

    An application built using Python and Django Rest Framework, designed to automatically send birthday greetings to customers.

  • Khailas12/Library-APP-DRF

    A Book Management APP using Django REST Framework

  • madhurMongia/water-alarm-backend

    Develop a dynamic Python Django web application to serve as the cloud module for a state-of-the-art water alarm system IoT framework. This application utilizes PostgreSQL for robust data storage and integrates web sockets to deliver instant real-time updates on water levels, ensuring optimal system performance and reliability.

  • prajapatikeval/Todo_Django_React

    A Todo App Using django as a backend and javascript framework react as a frontend.

  • Vikuuu/Expense-Tracker

    Expense Tracker: Backend code for managing expenses/incomes with Django Rest Framework. Features authentication, CRUD ops, Swagger docs. Contributions welcome!
