
There are 9 repositories under dpv topic.

  • rsha256/170_Textbook_Sols

    The only Reliable Solutions for DPV Textbook currently available

  • besteves4/duo-odrl-dpv

    Repository with ODRL policies for DUO concepts and demo implementation of the odrl:Offer - odrl:Request matching algorithm for DUO

  • besteves4/dgaterms

    DGAterms - A vocabulary to describe information flows in the Data Governance Act (DGA)

  • besteves4/solid-consent

    Webpage for the "ODRL Profile for Expressing Consent through Granular Access Control Policies in Solid" paper submitted to COnSeNT 2021

  • YaserMarey/algos_catalog

    Implementation of different algorithms, my plan is to cover as many algorithms as possible, with an initial focus on dynamic programming, divide and conquer, and graph algorithms.

  • jonathanmcmahon/dynamicprogramming

    Dynamic programming problems and solutions explained

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0211
  • besteves4/dpv-rights-exercising

    Using the Data Privacy Vocabulary to describe information related with rights exercising activities

  • coolharsh55/DPCat

    DPCat is a Specification for an Interoperable and Machine-Readable Data Processing Catalogue based on GDPR Requirements and EU DPA guidelines. It extends DCAT v2 and DCAT-AP standards and reuses Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) to enable data governance of ROPA and ROAP related information across a wide variety of use-cases.
