
There are 29 repositories under dtc topic.

  • FlorentF9/DeepTemporalClustering

    :chart_with_upwards_trend: Keras implementation of the Deep Temporal Clustering (DTC) model

  • dev-0x7C6/fdt-viewer

    Flattened Device Tree Viewer written in Qt.

  • MacFJA/OBD2

    OBD2 Object interface for JAVA

  • AndrewAMD/SierraChartZorroPlugin

    A Zorro broker API plugin for Sierra Chart, written in Win32 C++.

  • todrobbins/dtcdb

    Diagnostic Trouble Code Database (dtcdb)

  • maiconn/tcc

    The application has been developed to inform possible mechanical failure or theft in the vehicle. It has as main objectives, to visualize the current location of the car, to obtain images and to make available the data of its On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) port.

  • ikysil/ikforth

    ikforth is an idiomatic Forth implementation.

  • JeanLucPons/DTCController

    DTC Controller Remover for EDC16C34

  • GasserElAzab/Enhancement-of-direct-torque-control-of-three-phase-induction-motor

    Control of three phase induction motor using Sliding Mode Control and Direct Torque Control and compare the performance between each of them,

  • VRanger/dragontc

    Updated on Sundays at 6:30 UTC ✔

  • 007revad/DTC_GUI_for_Windows

    GUI for DTC.exe for Windows

  • orlandotrejo/Induction-Machine-FuzzyPID-Field-Oriented

    Implementation of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Inference System for speed control of 3hp induction machine - Simulation files. The output data is saved in .txt files and the membership functions can be plotted for a fine tuning of the controller.

  • peyo/dtc-and-vin-data

    DTC and VIN data in JSON

  • SilvioMessi/CustomJPEGCompression

    Partial implementation of JPEG compression in Python

  • tauseeqq/Carsoulai

    Description : 'CarSoul-AI' is a Python program blending vehicle diagnostics with integrated ChatGPT. Using voice commands, access real-time car data, clear error codes, or talk to gpt-4 powerd ai for solutions..

  • HathewayWill/DTC-MOSIT

    This is a BASH script that provides options to install the following Development Testbed Center's Model Evaluation Toolkit packages in 64-bit systems:

  • Luc-Saccoccio/dtcli

    DTC, NSF, QDB fetcher for the terminal

  • dtctoken


    Delta Coin(DTC) erc20 token

  • dhaval-sri/Introduction-to-programming

    This repository contains the programs done in B.Tech degree by GGSIPU in the second semester.

  • moschiel/parse_dtc_from_asc

    Parse J1939 Diagnostics Trouble Code (DTC) from CANalyzer ASC logging file

    Language:AGS Script0100
  • Prince2124/Spam_or_Ham_Msg_Classifier

    Classifying whether text messages are spam or ham using text analysis implemented using NLTK and machine learning algorithm.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • Anonym3310/build-overlays

    Device Tree Overlays for bb.org boards

  • bell-kevin/Ch6SavingsAccount

    This project is very similar in design to the Mouse2 class and Mouse2Driver example in the book (Introduction to Programming with Java: A Problem Solving Approach, Second Edition by John Dean and Raymond Dean). Remember the project in Ch 4 about calculating the value of an account as it grows, which was enhanced in Ch 5 to look better? We’ll do the same work here but using OOP methodology. In this project, the user will specify the starting balance for a savings account, the interest rate, and the number of cycles it will grow at that interest rate. The program will display how much the account is worth at the end of that growth. We need a class that provides the blueprint for this savings account. What kind of variables do we need? The current balance is essential. Since this is a savings account that grows by adding earned interest, we need the value for the interest rate to be able to calculate that earned interest. You might want to know the customer who owns this account – but notice that the customer is the owner, not part of the account. Therefore, the customer info is not part of this account. So the data needed to provide the information about the account and its current state is balance and interest rate. What actions can this account take, what can it do? The first thing needed will be setting the balance and the interest rate, so we need “mutator” or “set” methods for those actions. We need to be able to see the balance, which is an “accessor” or “get” method. Is there any other method required for this class? We could stop here, and “grow” the account in the driver class or main method. But that doesn’t make the best use of OOP design and programming, so we’re going add a method to the class to “grow” the account. Next, consider if the instance variables are public or private – protected or open to the world? If you want methods outside of this class, other programmer’s methods, to be able to change the variable directly, then make it public. Most of the time, you’ll want to protect the variable, make sure it’s changed only by the methods provided in the class. For this account, we certainly want to protect the balance and interest rate, so they need to be private. Add a minus sign or hyphen in front of those two variables in the UML diagram to represent that access. Next consider the data type for each variable – double or integer? The balance is money, and interest rates require decimals, so the variables need to be doubles. The next step is to consider the methods. Are they private or public, available to the world outside of this class? All of them need to be public, because we are going to execute them from the driver class, which is outside of this class. What type of data will each method return? The “get” method will return the current value in the instance variable for balance, so it must return a double, matching data type of that variable. The two “set” methods don’t need to return anything, so their return type is “void”. The growAccount method is going to do work to change the account balance – does it need to return anything? No, its results will be in the balance variable, and we can get that number with the get method. So the growAccount method is also void. Do any of those methods need information passed into them when they are called? Usually the “set” methods need data to change the values in the variables. Here, we need to know the starting balance, the interest rate, and the number of cycles to grow the account, information provided by the user. For this project, we are going to use the driver class to ask the user for all that information. Therefore the driver class needs to pass the data to the methods in this class – the data will be provided to the method inside of its parentheses. The setBalance and setInterestRate methods need doubles passed to them. The growAccount method needs an integer for the number of cycles to grow the account. Begin by creating a new project and name it “Ch6SavingsAccount”. The IDE provides you the main class heading, which is the driver for this project. We’ll code that later; first, we need the class that will be the basis for that driver. In the File menu, click on “New File” – not new project, new FILE. Specify that the File Type is “Java Class”, and name it “Account”. This is the name of the class – the file name must match the name of the class. The IDE has again given you the starting point for this type of file. Now that the class exists, turn your attention to the driver or main code. What needs to happen here? The user needs to provide the starting balance, interest rate, and number of cycles to grow the account. As you have done in previous projects, you’ll ask the user to enter the necessary information. Take a moment to consider the interest rate value. The interest rate must be a double because it is a fraction of one whole unit. If someone says an interest rate is 7%, we don’t use “7” for the calculations – we use 7 / 100. Always make it clear to the user if they are supposed to enter percentage rates (7 for 7%) or the mathematical percentage (0.07 for 7%). It is usually best to have the user type it as if there was a percent symbol following it – 7 for 7% makes a lot more sense to a user than 0.07 for 7%. If the user types in a number like 7, you must do the math in the program to convert that to its decimal equivalent of 0.07 – divide the interest rate by 100. That code is in the class above. Notice that there are variables for balance, interest rate, and cycles in this driver class, which seem like a repetition of the instance variables in the Account class. The variables in the driver class are used to communicate with the user, to get the data to pass to the Account class to create a specific account. As discussed in the book, we could use different names for the variables, like “newBalance” or “inputInterestRate”, and sometimes that is helpful to make it very clear what data is being stored in each variable. But they really are the same data here, so we’ll use the same variable names in the driver class and the Account class. The prefix “this.” in the Account class helps to clarify that the data passed into the method is assigned to the private instance variable in the Account class.

  • bsenst/mlops

    This repo contains contributions to the DataTalksClub MLOps Zoomcamp 2023.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • JajaumaPackages/dtc

    Forked from Fedora


    Simple windows console utility for testing DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator) between two or more computers.

  • RobertoBochet/demd-project

    My project of Direct Torque Control for DEMD course at PoliMi

  • uhpoler/WaterQualityPrediction-coursework

    This is my coursework for the fourth semester of the first year at KPI, in which I implemented a system for predicting water quality using various machine learning models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook