
There are 7 repositories under dynamic-framework topic.

  • CocoaPods/Rome

    Makes it easy to build a list of frameworks.

  • pkrmf/proof-of-concept

    This is an application that proofs static libraries load faster than dynamic libraries on iOS

  • DevOpsThinh/macOS-Tutorials

    A self-taught project on creating apps on the macOS operating system. I follow the latest trends & technology in the market.

  • mikaelbo/AutoHookExample

    Sample project for creating a dynamic framework for method swizzling and code injection.

  • DevOpsThinh/TutorialAboutPackage

    A Swift package use the open-source project Swift Package Manager. We will integrate it as a tab bar item at the bottom of the screen.

  • AmigoDheena/AmigoPHP

    AmigoPHP is a lightweight PHP framework for building web applications. With AmigoPHP, you can create dynamic and responsive websites easily. Get started now by exploring our documentation or creating your first AmigoPHP project.
