
There are 10 repositories under dynamic-qr-code topic.

  • Dynamic-QR


    Dynamic-QR: Cost Effective Way To Ditch Paid QR Codes Forever!

  • oliver-dvorski/QR-Dynamics-Backend

    A free dynamic QR code generator

  • valaises/DynamiQR

    Dynamic QR codes using FastAPI and Aiogram

  • SemioDigital/qrman

    Dashboard with QRcode generator from URL and logo, colors in campaign, dynamic QRcode, traking and hitmap. Fork of https://github.com/devdreamsolution/laravel7-qrcode-campaign

  • R1SH4BH81/QR_Code_Generator_App

    this python is purely based on PIL , pillow , png and some part are included with cv for recognising and showing the message in qr code live on the screen.this app can create text based qr code , url based qr code , qr code to share wifi network access, qr code with an id card template , decode a qr code and barcode , send files using qr code and most exicting features is that it can also create dynamic qr code both in color and in black & white . created by Rishabh Mishra . follow me on instagram : instagram.com/rishabh_mishra81. Thank You :)

  • Techsolutionstuff/How-To-Create-QR-Code-Generator-In-Laravel-9

    we will see how to create QR code generator in laravel 9. As per the current trend, many websites and applications provide features like login with QR code, scan QR code, and get more information about products and websites, etc.

  • websolutionstuff/How-To-Generate-QR-Code-Using-Javascript

    In this tutorial we will see how to generate QR code using javascript. we will implement QR code generator without any kind of package or plugins. we are create QR code using API.

  • websolutionstuff/Laravel-9-QR-Code-Generator-Example

    we will see laravel 9 QR code generator example. As per the current trend, many websites and applications provide features like login with QR code, scan QR code and get more information about products and websites, etc.

  • steciuk/qrnamic

    Generate static and dynamic QR codes with ease.

  • yeswanth49/safelink

    Safe Link Project
