There are 10 repositories under dynamic-queue topic.
An ANSI C Vector library (Dynamic Array) that is fully configurable, fast, thread safe, reentrant, can store dynamic data structures as well as base datatypes and can be used to create dynamic stacks, dynamic queues and more.
Project Home Delivery Management System implements Travelling Sales Man problem with many extended features such as calculate estimated distance, time, cost, shortest delivery route and send it to the Delivery boy present in Queue
Dynamic queue in C which can store any type of data
This repository contains the implementation of a Smarter Priority Queue (SPQ) Abstract Data Type (ADT) using a parameterized heap. The SPQ is designed to support both min-heap and max-heap configurations with dynamic adaptability and efficient management.
FSC-BCS-370: Data Structures Mod 5
Repositório destinado ao aprendizado de estruturas de dados de memória principal.
Our proposed solution Sintegrate in HackUST is designed for the catering industry to implement an online ordering platform. It can calculate the ETA based on the locations of customers and restauarnt. By knowing ETA in advance, restaurants can manage take-away, dine-in orders efficiently.
This repository contains all the implementation of Data Structures and Algorithms plus the various different kind of questions with their solutions asked in coding challenges and interviews during placements activities and codefests. I learned all these and practice different questions daily to master DSA.
Dynamic implementation of a queue