
There are 8 repositories under dynamic-system topic.

  • graph-theory


    Julia and Python complex system applications in ecology, epidemiology, sociology, economics & finance; network science models including Bianconi-Barabási, Barabási-Albert, Watts-Strogatz, Waxman Model & Erdős-Rényi; graph theory algorithms involving Gillespie, Bron Kerbosch, Ramsey, Bellman Ford, A*, Kruskal, Borůvka, Prim, Dijkstra, DSatur, Randomized Distributed, Vizing, Topological Sort, DFS, BFS

    Language:Jupyter Notebook36814291
  • MustafaLotfi/Optimized-Inverse-Dynamics-Controller

    Obtaining the best coefficients of Inverse Dynamics Controller, for a dynamical system, with Optimization Algorithms.

  • acguidoum/Sim.DiffProc

    An R package for symbolic and numerical computations on scalar and multivariate systems of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). It provides users with a wide range of tools to simulate, estimate, analyze, and visualize the dynamics of these systems in both forms Itô and Stratonovich <doi:10.18637/jss.v096.i02>.

  • shuiruge/neural-ode

    Neural ODE.

  • catseye/Chzrxl

    MIRROR of https://codeberg.org/catseye/Chzrxl : "Chzrxl, the Living Inkblot." Or is it some sort of self-attracting lava lamp?

  • catseye/Cyclobots

    MIRROR of https://codeberg.org/catseye/Cyclobots : Dynamical system/desk toy thing from 1994, now implemented with PixiJS

  • astro-turing/Diagenetic_model_LHeureux_2018

    Fortran code for the diagenetic model by Ivan L'Heureux 2018 (https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4968315)

  • lamanateddttv/waxman

    Let's rock, man!