
There are 10 repositories under dynamicmemorymanagement topic.

  • RAGUL1902/Dynamic-Memory-Allocation-in-C

    Reimplementing malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free() in c from scratch using system calls

  • denizturkk/C-Pointers

    This source file can be useful for those who want to understand or practice pointers in the C programming language

  • ClubRecords


    A managerial application developed in C++ with the aim of allowing an efficient and a user friendly manner of management thus solving a real world problem. The application is an aid for the Managerial Board of a given football club to manage and organise the numerous records that they have to maintain using the concept of filing(concept of binary files in C++). The application enables the Managerial Board to create, alter and search the records of the members of the club along with a handful other functions as well under the aegis of a single file that maintains all these records. The program holds the records of the various members of the club which include players, coaches, members of The Board and even the fans. The specifics related to each member provide the Managerial Board with an easy and quick methodology to deal with the multitudinous records with an interactive menu.

  • Psaa70/Programming-II-Practicum-1

    First Practicum of the Programming II subject

  • shahzaneer/C-and-Cpp-Basics

    Learning --> cpp January 2022 - winter'22

  • awwalm/distsys

    A C++ implementation of the 1st version of Alexander Supalov's Naïve memory benchmark.

  • DilZhaan/MyFirstCGame-TikTakToe

    This is a simple console-based game that runs on the command prompt. The game is played by two players who take turns to mark X or O on a grid (grid size can change to players). The player who gets same marks in a row, column, or diagonal wins the game. This game was created as a learning project for a programming assignment.

  • mshahriarnihal/CPP_Backtracking-OOP-and-Pointer-Based-Projects

    Here I'm posting few C++ projects which are done based on backtracking, OOP, pointers etc. These projects were done mainly focusing on solving assignment questions of Professor Jerry Waxman's CSCI-211 - Object Oriented Programming in C++ course at CUNY QC. Posting Dr. Waxman's questions, my codes & report for those assignments & their algorithms

  • Mohamed-Taha-Essa/programs-in-c-language

    simple scripts using C language and Embedded C.

  • shruthi-jay/operating-system

    operating system programs and algorithms in c
