
There are 29 repositories under dynamicprogramming topic.

  • awangdev/leet-code

    Java Solutions to problems on LintCode/LeetCode

  • hiren-j/Ultimate-DP-Series

    This series aims to teach you DP with everything sequenced step by step, fully readable code with necessary comments. It includes 160+ problems, 115+ from LeetCode, covering 12 DP patterns from 1D to Graph DP. Includes Top-Down & Bottom-Up solutions, multiple ways of writing Top-Down solutions, and space optimizations (e.g., 1D to constant space).

  • dhrupad17/LeetCode-75_LEVEL2

    This study plan is for those who want to prepare for technical interviews but are uncertain which problems they should focus on. The problems have been carefully curated so that levels 1 and 2 will guide beginner and intermediate users through problems that cover the data structures and algorithms necessary to succeed in interviews with most mid-tier companies. While level 3 provides material to help users whose targets are top-tier companies.

  • mateusz-z-olszewski/leetcode-solutions

    Personal repository of Leetcode solutions

  • cosmicray001/Online_judge_Solutions

    My solutions for different online judges: UVa, LightOJ, SPOJ, Codeforces, Codechef, Atcoder, Timus, URI etc.

  • base2ace/interview-algo

    This repo contains the algorithms and solutions to commonly asked interview questions.

  • DynamicProgramming



  • cssu-ama/algorithms

    Some important algorithms implementation

  • Gaurav-99/Competitive-programming

    Solutions to competitive programming problems from different websites which are developed by me.

  • rajendrapancholi/dsa_using_java

    Welcome to DSA in Java, your ultimate resource for mastering Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) using Java. This repository is designed to help you build a strong foundation in one of the most essential skills for coding interviews, competitive programming, and real-world software development.

  • rishavsingh98/Data-Structure-Algorithms

    Problems for Data Structures and Algorithms coded in C++

  • rludovicus/TubesDAA

    This is final task of design and analysis of algorithm. It's about implementation of brute force, greedy, and dynamic programming on knapsack problem.

  • S-C-U-B-E/Dynamic-Programming

    Mixed Dynamic-Programming Solutions -Java

  • sujoyyyy/Dynamic-Programming

    Dynamic programming is used where we have problems, which can be divided into similar sub-problems, so that their results can be re-used. Mostly, these algorithms are used for optimization.

  • yuhanliu-tech/SeamCarving-FinalProject

    This Python project completes a programming problem from MIT OCW's Algorithms and Data Structures and implements Seam Carving using dynamic programming.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • gulshantelkar/InterviewBit

    My solutions of questions on https://www.interviewbit.com

  • HyderNabi/AlgorithmsAndComputation

    Some of the Computational problems are solved with the well known Algorithmic design strategies.

  • karlosye/notes---dynamic-programming

    A repository for studying dynamic programming

  • ManuelAAM/ShopEase

    Java-based shopping cart system with a graphical interface using JOptionPanes and JFrames. Features include product management, client-specific carts, and shopping histories. Highlights advanced Object-Oriented Design, Abstract Classes, and Lambda Expressions for optimized performance.

  • saikumarsuvanam/CodingProblems


  • Voldemond/DSA

    Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) repository covering essential concepts and implementations. Includes linked lists, stacks, queues, sorting algorithms, and searching algorithms.

  • ChasingTheDream369/Space-Recog-PDF-Secure

    📝📏📄Space-Recog-PDF-Secure ✨🐍 is a Python script designed to format text 📝 into paragraphs with precise width-based 📏 justification. This tool takes input text 📄 and aligns it within specified column widths, optimizing the distribution of white spaces ⚖️ between words to achieve balanced right-margin 🧮 justification.

  • chensongpoixs/cleet_code

    LeetCode 的刷题

  • harsha-0210/DSA-Codes

    This repository contributes of the all codes of dsa using cpp

  • Kumargaurav0225/DSAlgo

    Data Structures And Algorithms Practice

  • ParthJohri/DynamicProgramming

    This repository contains my code solutions for the dynamic programming problems in C++.