
There are 23 repositories under e-rezept topic.

  • E-Rezept-App-iOS


    The official iOS App of the german e-prescription

  • gematik/api-erp

    gematik provides a comprehensive overview of the e-prescription interfaces. This API documentation serves as a supplement to gematik's standard regulatory documents and details the e-prescription profiles based on the FHIR standard.

  • gematik/E-Rezept-App-Android

    The official Android App of the german e-prescription

  • gematik/ASN1Kit

    ASN.1 Encoder\Decoder for Swift

  • gematik/eRezept-Examples

    This repo serves as a communication platform on examples of fhir resources in the context of electronic prescriptions

  • gematik/ref-OpenHealthCardKit

    Controlling/Use-case framework for accessing smart cards of the telematic infrastructure. API Documentation: https://swiftpackageindex.com/gematik/ref-OpenHealthCardKit/main/documentation/healthcardaccess

  • gematik/OpenSSL-Swift

    Swift extension wrapper for gematik specific crypto operations with embedded OpenSSL

  • ref-erp-client-cs


    shows an example of how to control IDP and e-prescription specialist services from doctor and pharmacy systems in C# using the TITUS demo environment.

  • gematik/erp-e2e-testsuite

    The Gematik E-Rezept E2E testsuite and the product testsuite have the task of checking components with regard to functional quality.

  • gematik/swift-gemPDFKit

    Swift-GemPDFKit is a lightweight (and by no means complete) library for parsing, writing, and adding attachments to PDFs. The PDF-parsing and -tokenization depends heavily on PointFree's swift-parsing library (https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-parsing).

  • gematik/spec-E-Rezept-ServiceRequest

    The e-prescription request concept is intended to demonstrate a way of sending and receiving messages in the context of the e-prescription in a decentralized manner between the participants. The messages are strongly structured and prepared in FHIR bundles.

  • gematik/api-app-transport-framework

    api-app-transport-framework is a FHIR framework for applications that transfer data via KIM or TIM, making it easier for primary systems to integrate new TI applications.

  • gematik/fhir-profiles-erp

    This Repo contains the fsh files to the published E-Rezept Worklow files on https://simplifier.net/erezept-workflow and a script to validate them.

  • gematik/NfcLocalization-Android

    The project extracts image data from smartphone models from the websites of various manufacturers and evaluates them automatically. The position of the built-in NFC antenna relative to the outer edge of the smartphone is determined and saved in a JSON file together with the model identifiers. We can use this data in the e-prescription app to show the user the holding position of the eGK.

  • gematik/poc-dsr-android

    Proof of Concept implementation for Device Security Rating on Android.

  • gematik/poc-dsr-ios

    Proof of Concept implementation for Device Security Rating on iOS.

  • gematik/ref-GemCommonsKit

    Most common features that are commonly used and/or reusable can be found in this repo. API Documentation: https://gematik.github.io/ref-GemCommonsKit/

  • gematik/E-Rezept-App-Nfc-Locator-Android

    The NFC-Locator is used to extend and maintain a database with positions of NFC-antennas in Android devices. User can submit new informations by marking a position and linking it to a specific device.

  • gematik/erp-errorcodes

    This repo lists the error codes for the electronic prescriptions.

  • gematik/fhir-profiles-erpchrg

    This Repo contains the fsh files to the published E-Rezept charge item files on https://simplifier.net/erezept-abrechnungsinformationen and a script to validate them.

  • gematik/E-Rezept-AdV-SRC

    Is required for the AdV report to provide the code version to be evaluated.
