
There are 8 repositories under early-exit topic.

  • IntelLabs/distiller

    Neural Network Distiller by Intel AI Lab: a Python package for neural network compression research. https://intellabs.github.io/distiller

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4.3k132350798
  • falcon-xu/early-exit-papers

    A curated list of early exiting

  • fangvv/EdgeKE

    Code for paper "EdgeKE: An On-Demand Deep Learning IoT System for Cognitive Big Data on Industrial Edge Devices"

  • falcon-xu/LGViT

    Official PyTorch implementation of "LGViT: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating Vision Transformer" (ACM MM 2023)

  • hpclab/learning-exit-strategies-ensembles

    Official repository of Busolin et al., "Learning Early Exit Strategies for Additive Ranking Ensembles", ACM SIGIR 2021.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4700
  • chbtt/sha1-cracker

    C implementation of a SHA-1 cracker with various optimizations

  • giulio-derasmo/Experimenting-with-modularity-in-deep-learning

    The project aim to experiment implementing a modular architecture: an early-exit model and testing it using Tensorflow.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Sottix99/CNN_Early_exit

    The aim of this work is to build a model capable of classifying diseases in corn leaves. The classes are four: Common Rust, Gray Leaf Spot, Blight, and Healthy. Three different CNN-based models are employed, with the introduction of early exit layers in the last one.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100