
There are 7 repositories under early-universe topic.

  • shprdchris/20-07_GABE_chris

    Heavily modified version of GABE C++ code for paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.10978. Solves coupled differential equations for early universe reheating on finite spatial lattice. Plus helpful mathematica noteboks (made by me).

  • ajsteinmetz/a-short-survey

    Rafelski, J., Birrell, J., Steinmetz, A. and Yang, C.T. A short survey of matter-antimatter evolution in the primordial universe. Universe 9.7 (2023): 309.

  • ajsteinmetz/plasma-partition

    Steinmetz, A., Yang, C. T. & Rafelski, J. Matter-antimatter origin of cosmic magnetism. Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023).

  • ajsteinmetz/thesis-ajsteinmetz

    Steinmetz, A. Modern topics in relativistic spin dynamics and magnetism. PhD dissertation. University of Arizona, 2023.

  • gaetanfacchinetti/SMHal

    Simplified Models and subHalos distributions

  • mmtmn/zero-dimension-least-resistance-principle-universe-experiment

    Exploring 3D space expansion using OpenGL based on the least resistance principle.

  • thefreequark/Dark_Matter

    This repository includes mathematica codes for reproducing and cross-checking the results from sterile neutrino dark matter pioneered papers. Also it includes codes for freeze out and freeze in processes using toy models.Along with this, there are codes for leptogenesis process using neutrinos in early universe.
