
There are 4 repositories under ecological-restoration topic.

  • PEOPLE-ER/spectral-recovery

    Spectral recovery analysis for forested ecosystems in Python. Part of the PEOPLE-ER project.

  • nature-guardian-anarchy


    a project and digital communal space for passionate people that strive to follow nature’s way of life, protect all beings on that path, and are constantly struggling to find ways to survive alongside contemporary civilizations: indigenous, migrants, minorities, outcasts, hippies: *real* people

  • markus1bauer/2024_danube_dike_survey

    Data and code of Bauer et al. (2024) J Veg Sci


    The k-NN tool is to provide a generic tool to conduct k Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) prediction of continuous forest target variables of interest. In the context of Ecosystem Restoration monitoring, the tool allows wall-to-wall propagation of the variables of interest using field reference data and provided EO datasets. Part of the PEOPLE-ER project.