
There are 34 repositories under econometric-analysis topic.

  • vnery5/Econometria

    Repositório com algumas funções de econometria em Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook24104
  • xxl4tomxu98/vector-autoregressive-model-wage-inflations

    An econometrics vector autoregression model (VAR) for analysis of multivariate time series of macroeconomics phenomena. Python Jupyter notebook based model is presented here although other packages like R statistical programming language with R Studio could also be used.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13205
  • xxl4tomxu98/econometrics-gdp-dpi-VAR

    Multivariate time series Vector Autoregression Model (VAR) on real world GDP and DPI (and some other indexes). Bayesian Structured Time Series (BSTS).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9212
  • Vinnitschenko/Statmetrics-Android

    Mobile App Solution for Portfolio Analytics and Investment Management

  • 2012-cevp/Proyecto-de-pre-grado-Udec

    En este repositorio encontrará el desarrollo de un proyecto para realizar la predicción del euro y el dólar respecto al peso colombiano y el bitcoin con respecto al dólar estadunidense, mediante la aplicación de series temporales y redes neuronales

  • mew-two-github/Climate-Economics-Project

    Analysis of income inequality and pollution (water and air) in India.

  • rpasquini/urban-econometrics

    Notebooks for a short course on urban econometrics, also covering causal inference methods such as experiments, matching, difference in difference, instrumental variables, etc.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3203
  • bttomio/UGA_thesisdown

    Files to reproduce my Ph.D. thesis, entitled "Carry trade effects in developed and developing countries: the cases of Switzerland and Brazil". This thesis was defended on February 15, 2022 at the Univ. Grenoble Alpes (UGA). I finished the Ph.D. programme in Economis in the Centre for Research in Economics in Grenoble (CREG), which is linked to the Doctoral School in Economics (ED SE).

  • Learning-R


    Contains R scripts and markdowns documenting my learning journey on econometrics and portfolio optimization. Looking to include machine learning in the future.

  • calosor/twostage_regress

    2SLS IV regression with Python

  • gregtozzi/north_carolina_crime

    An Econometric Analysis of North Carolina Crime Data from 1987

  • hetaShah27/Wooldridge-CPS91-Econometric-Analysis

    Data about 5,634 married women (out of which 3,286 are reported being in the labor force) is taken from the Wooldridge Current Population Survey (CPS91) Database for Wage/Income analysis. There are 24 variables that give information about married women, their husbands, their demographics, if they belong to any unions, or are a part of labor forces, whether they have kids, etc. This data is used to get an estimate of the standard wages equation of women using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method a.k.a. Linear Regression. The education level, years of experience, race, ethnicity are the independent variables (predictors) that drive the behavior of the dependent variable - income.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • jaishreejoshita/Macro-Econometric_Forecasting

    This repository contains the assignment of Macro-Econometric Forecasting by IMFx.

  • Kowalskiexe/SVEconometricAnalysis

    Stardew Valley earnings by different crop type calculator

  • neilyejjey1999/yejjeyprojects

    Coding projects I have worked on, in R and Python. Predominantly includes utilizing code to recreate the Black Sholes Model, Greek Option calculator, Stochastic Process and Brownian Motion and other data science applications for finance. Python was also used primarily for machine learning applications in finance, using various functions from sklearn, random forests, among others to perform predictive analysis on data such as forecasting bitcoin prices, predicting loan default probability, and building neural networks with TensorFlow. R project involves importing datasets from excel as well as using R functions to relabel and tweak datasets that were initially incompatible. R was predominantly used to perform econometric analysis of data as well as basic statistical functions like finding P value and T value.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • prinkashar/DataWarehouse

    USDA AAEA 2024 : Heartland Code Replication Package

  • Rafaelll92/Modelos-Heterocedasticos-Multivariados-PETR3-Mercado-a-Vista

    Análise da série histórica Dados Históricos Petrobras Ações Ordinárias - PETR3_SA 2020-10-07 00:00:00 até 2023-10-06 00:00:00

  • vanisha-bardar/STATA-Regression-Analysis-post-RTE-2009

    Our group intended to do a state-wise analysis over the course of 6 years (2010-2015) to analyze the performance of Indian states and Union Territories post the implementation of the Right to Education Act of 2009, which came into force in 2010. The variables with respect to which we’ll be checking the performance of the states are- 1) No. of schools in every state 2) No. of teachers in every state 3) School Enrollment

  • 14ivanperez/Econometrics-with-R_MARKDOWN

    Project for the Econometrics class using R Markdown

  • alecng27/Happiness_Economics_Research

    Utilized various econometric models to study the influence of different variables has on the happiness of people around the world.

  • alejandro-sanchez-gomez/european-earnings-index

    The index calculates the average annual purchasing power of all EU Member States by using the average net income of a worker from a given country and its price level index relative to the other member states. Aditionally, an interactive dashboard has been developed using Microsoft Power Bi.

  • farouqisme/interbanksectoralshock

    estimating the impact of monetary policy shocks to sectoral activity in Indonesia (based on a paper wrote by Ibrahim (2005))

  • formanektomas/4EK516

    Pokročilá ekonometrie 2

  • mnahhas444/Ripple_Effects

    Data and Methodology for Zonal DiD Estimation of School Shooting Impact on Labor Dynamics Research

  • mnahhas444/Shockwaves_of_Trade

    Data and Methodology for Descriptive Analysis of Trade Impacts on Distress Measures in the USA

  • mnahhas444/Targeting_Change

    Data and Methodology for Synthetic Control and DiD Estimation of Gun Law Mortality Research

  • Oscar-Sbuen/Econometr-a

    Proyecto sobre la volatilidad de las criptomonedas con Econometría.


    Aplicación de la Metodología Box-Jenkins que pretende mostrar una herramienta estadística de análisis univariante para la predicción de una empresa que cotice en un mercado continuo y el precio objetivo de la compañía, es decir, su acción.

  • marek-chadim/Markups-and-Public-Procurement

    Bachelor’s Thesis, Revision in Progress

  • RoiKimchi/Econometrics-Student-Research

    Analyzed the impact of increasing police officers on crime rates across different counties and years, based on Cornwell and Trumbull (1994).

  • ruoheng-du/econometrics

    Econometrics | Spring 2023

  • Szymon-Czuszek/Quantitative-Suite

    Welcome to the Data Analysis and Econometrics repository! This space is dedicated to providing examples and snippets for applying econometric methods using various tools such as Python, R, GRETL, Excel, and more.
