
There are 31 repositories under economic-analysis topic.

  • nancyalaswad90/Become-a-Financial-Analystold

    A financial analyst evaluates current and historical economic and business data to identify trends that influence business decisions. Gain the skills that make a successful financial analyst, including understanding financial statements, working with economic data, and analytical analysis skills.

  • Luizgs7/Input_Output_Network_Analysis

    Network analysis with Input-Output Matrix. Project developed as a conclusion of my graduation in economics where I explored the use of network analysis in input-output matrices comparing countries in the north and south of the world, exploring the similarities and differences in the flow of goods structures between sectors of the economy. All analysis was done in R, the presentation in R Markdown and the Article in LaTex.

  • asaficontact/term_spread_combinations

    In this project, I show how different combinations and components of term spread have varying shapes, which can be analyzed in order to understand movements in the economy. Calculating term spread dispersion can help us better price risk in the bond market. Term spread combinations have varying power in explaining future movements in macro variable. It shows that the spanning hypothesis of the term spread against a macro variable might hold true depending on the combination and component of term spread that we are taking into consideration. This project provides a mechanism through which we can identify the best combination of a term spread for creating an efficient􏰐 macro 􏰍finance model.

  • saviornt/FinDataViz

    Data Visualization and Analytical report between the relationship between the United States stock market, the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), as well as the US Census Bureau of Economic Indicators (US-CBEI)

  • horizonhou/Express_air_optimization

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • Global-Insights-2023


    World Data 2023 Dashboard: This repository presents an interactive Tableau dashboard visualizing diverse metrics of countries in 2023. Dive into analyses that explore the intersections of economic prosperity with life expectancy, environmental impact, urbanization, and healthcare infrastructure.

  • sbolongaita/HLI_Cause-Specific-EVAM

    Analysis code for Chapter 4 of the World Bank's "Unlocking the Power of Healthy Longevity" report and a shortened journal article version, "The economic value of reducing mortality due to noncommunicable diseases and injuries" published in Nature Medicine.

  • atrishi/Economic-Analysis-India-GDP

    Identification of focus areas for economic development of Indian states based on openly accessible government GDP data. Analyzing significance of college drop out rates on deterioration of economic outcomes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • chriscurl1538/load_following_decision

    This package performs an emissions and economic analysis of a small-scale (<100 kWe) CHP system paired with thermal energy storage

  • felipevalenciaclavijo/EconomicFreedomIndex

    Data Science project to compare countries, regions, and the world on 2022 Index of Economic Freedom. Using data from the Heritage Foundation. Perfect tool for International Business research about economic freedom.

  • fiddlesleet/WorldBankData

    Scrapping World Bank data to standardize market selection for international business expansion

  • im-dpaul/EDA-World-GDP

    Explore GDP dataset through EDA, analyzing trends, growth rates, and comparisons between countries to gain insights into global economic dynamics.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • ItsAlireza/TradeDeficitService

    Exploring the trade deficit between the US and Canada using machine learning, with deployment as a FaaS on AWS and Docker.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • Jeshua-Romero-Guadarrama/Econoalgoritmia

    📖 Un complemento interactivo para entender y dominar la Econoalgoritmia: Econometría Avanzada y Ciencia de Datos con R.

  • Jonasdj90/Schattingen-van-de-gouden-regel-spaarquote

    Dit is een beknopte versie van mijn originele masterproef (Is de spaarquote te hoog of te laag? Schattingen van de "gouden-regel"-spaarquote) die ik in 2016 heb geschreven en vereist enige kennis van de gebruikte economische modellen. Het volledig werk, met een voorafgaande uitgebreide literatuurstudie van de economische modellen, en berekeningen in R zijn verkrijgbaar op aanvraag.

  • matiasvicunacofre/Portfolio

    In this repository I present all my personal projects and code for financial analysis, EDA and economic analysis.

  • Immigration-Trends-Visualization


    A data story consisting of Excel visualizations analyzing economic, social, educational, and crime trends against increasing foreign-born and immigrant populations in the US to provide an insight into their impact on these factors.

  • virajvaidya/VARAustraliaHousingForecast

    Vector Autoregressive Model with 20 variables - Australian Housing Data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • WilliamHope2020/Countries-in-Conflict-and-Economic-Performance

    By using dynamic panel models, I provide a macro-level understanding of the relationships between a country in conflict, not in conflict, and whether this affects the economic performance in the short and long-term.

  • adhaase/power-law-scaling-vs-alternate-linear-models

    R script which cleans and analyzes a dataset from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis describing MSAs regarding the viability of the Power Law Scaling Proposal vs. competing linear models.

  • gituser12981u2/Economic-Tensor-PCA-Modeling--ETPCA

    Economic analysis tool using tensor PCA modeling to interpolate GNP values, integrating tensor product, PCA, and linear regression for better interpolation.

  • jheelxo/Machine_Learning_Big_Data_for_HealthPolicy

    Machine Learning Applied to Economic Policy Analysis - Data Challenge

  • nehalahmedshaikh/doing_economics

    Empirical Economic Projects

  • Pouria-MK/_Dec.2023_Technical-and-Financial-Analysis-and-Feasibility-of-Styrene-plant

    This is my first project of the course "Plant Design and Economics" that I managed to get full marks on my 4th year of bachelor's chemical engineering program at sharif university of technology.

  • Pouria-MK/_Jan.2024_Simulation-and-Economic-Evaluation-of-Syngas-Generation-Plant-using-DMR-and-SMR-Reactors

    This is my final project of the course "Plant Design and Economics" that I managed to get full marks on my 4th year of bachelor's chemical engineering program at sharif university of technology.

  • sebacea/AnEco2

    Notas Curso Análisis Económico 2

  • sebavergarasassi/Degree-Thesis

    Design of a machine for use the sugar cane harvest residue ( in high pressure steam generators )

  • agro-waste


    Economic Value of Agro Waste

  • ujvarafetoshi/binary-regression-job-satisfaction-spain

    Data Science Project - How do economic fluctuations influence job satisfaction among employees in Spain?

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ashemsu/intermediate-data-skills-R

    This repo contains all projects from my second data class at UPenn, designed to demonstrate marked improvements and a broader grasp of key topics through more complex problem sets.

  • Laura-Geronimo/Geronimo-etal_2024_NaturalHazardsReview

    Tradeoff analysis for flood adaptation pathways in Ortley Beach, New Jersey
