
There are 16 repositories under ecore-metamodel topic.

  • occiware/ecore

    Ecore meta-model and examples

  • tsaglam/EcoreMetamodelExtraction

    Ecore metamodel reverse engineering: Automatically extract EMF metamodels from Java code.

  • DrHAMDANE/TransformationAADL2timedAutomata

    We propose in this work an approach for the verification of the AADL (Architecture and Analysis Design Language) description. This approach is based in Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and assisted by a toolchain. Indeed, we define a source meta-model for AADL and a target meta-model for the timed automata formalism; we define a transformation process in two steps : the first is aModel2Model transformation which takes an AADLModel and produces the corresponding timed automata model. The second transformation is a Model2Text transformation which takes a timed automata model and generates a text in ta-format code. This code is accepted by the Uppaal toolbox. The goal of this effort is to insure some properties of AADL models using the Uppaal model checker. A case study has been developed to show the feasibility and validity of the proposed approach.

  • enterpriseDomain/ClassMaker

    Eclipse plugin that enables the programmatic creation of Java classes.

  • tsaglam/JavaCodeEcorification

    Proof of concept for the integration of Ecore functionality into existing Java code.

  • ModelWriter/AlloyInEcore

    Embedding of First-Order Relational Logic into Meta-Object Facility

  • echebbi/gemoc-fsm

    Executable meta-model of Finite State Machines developped with GEMOC Studio

  • Oliver-Binns/MODE

    Open Assessment for Model-Driven Engineering module. This module was worth ten credits as part of my Master's Year and received a mark of 90%

  • songyang-dev/uml-class-fragmentation

    Fragments of the AtlanMod Zoo database, in Ecore and image formats. This is meant to be labeled manually for machine learning.

  • aurelienpepin/KIT_ConsistencyPreservation_Decomposition

    KIT SS2019 – Decomposition procedure for multi-model consistency preservation.

  • bigraph-toolkit-suite/bigraphs.bigraph-ecore-metamodel

    This project serves as a reference implementation of an abstract syntax specification for bigraphs.

  • profpantoja/genDBM-tool

    The Generic DataBase Modeling Tool (GenDBM) uses the MDA approach to provide a database modeling environment for both relational and geographical models. It also uses the Generic Database Metamodel (GEDBM) which gathers concepts of the most used modeling languages and notations (ER, Crow's Foot, Min-Max, UML, OMT-G, etc.).

  • snehi23/Pivi_-_Plugin_For_Visual_Parallel_Programming

    Pivi: An eclipse Plug-In for Visual Parallel Programming

  • YassineOuhadi/Jgen

    Visual Studio Code Extension - DSL for generating Spring Boot RESTful APIs

  • a66as/StateBasedTestCaseGeneration

    This repository is a self-containing ready to compile eclipse project. The code utilizes a UML state-machine and generates JUnit test cases using the known N+ strategy (by Binder).

  • Nasdanika-Models/ecore

    Ecore node processors and documentation processors
