
There are 17 repositories under ecosystem-modeling topic.

  • Derek-Jones/ESEUR-code-data

    Code and data used to create the examples in "Evidence-based Software Engineering based on the publicly available data"

  • alan-turing-institute/environmental-ds-book

    A computational notebook community for open environmental data science 🌎

  • uaf-arctic-eco-modeling/dvm-dos-tem

    A process based Dynamic Vegetation, Dynamic Organic Soil, Terrestrial Ecosystem Model.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook221527224
  • ostis-ai/ostis-standard

    Standard of Open Semantic Technology for designing Intelligent Systems

  • jgomezdans/dalec_pf

    A data assimilation experiment with the DALEC ecosystem model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5222
  • taganz/Terraformer

    Visual ecosystem simulator built on Unity. 2016

  • nemf


    A novel three step network-based general ecosystem modeling framework

  • cybiosphere/Source

    Ecosystem simulation using genetic and neuronal networks

  • avancinirodrigo/ecolyzer

    Software for data extraction, analysis, and visualization of software ecosystems.

  • holdenharris-NOAA/IEA-GWEM-EcospaceOutputs

    Raw data and code to show outputs from the US Gulf-wide Ecospace Model (USGWEM)

  • genratio/Decentralized-Autonomous-Organization-Framework

    This framework should help to build an own DAO with deicated services and technologies like blockchains and a website for individual projects. This is an global project and everybody is invited to contribute. The goal is to have a modular system to setup an own hostable plattform with integrated ecosystem- and communication-technologies. This selfhosted DAO should be compatible (optional) in a global or local DAO-Network over generic APIs. That means system-building scripts for recommended server-OS and tools, smartcontracts-templates in different programming-languages for various blockchains with VMs etc.

  • trondkr/estimateHabitat

    Methods for estimating the effect of climate change on physical drivers of marine ecosystems at high latitudes

  • Crowdliness/

    ... something so immediately compelling, inspiringly raw and nakedly fascinating that it will attract a crowd. Or flies.

  • dgoto2/SEIBMFoodWeb

    A spatially explicit individual-based food web model for a large ecosystem

  • informacja/Ecosystem

    Internet Researcher subjective must-have list

  • leshchenko1979/fishbowl

    Simulating evolution of fish intelligence in a fishbowl using genetic algorithms

  • mds-islam/MOD17-GPP-MATLAB

    MATLAB scripts of MOD17 Algorithm to simulate the Gross Primary Productivity (GPP).
