There are 9 repositories under edgelist topic.
Code for my Master project
A program for converting graphs across different file formats.
Design of high-performance OpenMP-based parallel Graph Edgelist and Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) loader, aka GVEL.
📊Maps nodes and edges of a multi-relational graph to integer
C code for finding shortest path for given .txt file ( .txt file must be in edge list format). Code utilizes graph data structure and Bellman-Ford algorithm.
This is project is a research network, basically a platform for researchers to collaborate.
Network analysis tool (wrapper for python-igraph)
Solr based web search engine to retrieve relevant links for user query using pageRank algorithm
This was a coding project given during the Java Software Development 2 course at Sinclair Community College. This project expanded our midterm project to be able to further analyze the Twitter data we were given in an Edgelist file. We were told by our instructor that this applications responsiveness is very important, so runtime should be minimized even at the expense of increased memory usage. I've included the rubric we were given by our instructor for the class to better explain what the methods were required to do within the projects folder.