
There are 7 repositories under efficientnetb3 topic.

  • shshwtsrkr/Biopsy-AI

    This project is our submission, for the Google Solution Challenge 2023. With this project, we hope to make an impact and contribute to the field of Good Health and Wellbeing. This project aims to make early stage cancer detection of various types (specifically Brain Tumor, Breast Cancer & Leukemia) sustainable.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7104
  • Aliviarahma/Image-Classification-Using-Transfer-Learning

    Eye Disease Detection using Transfer Learning (DenseNet-121, EfficientNetB3, VGG-16, Resnet-152)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5102
  • -Alzheimer-Disease-Detection-with-HPC-and-EffiecientNetB3


    the advancement of Alzheimer's illness utilizing Convolution Neural Systems (CNN) and EfficientNetB3 architecture, which was applied to pre-processed MRI datasets. The purpose of the project is to use efficient high-performance computing (HPC) to improve the performance of the model, which makes the diagnostic process more efficient and reliable th

  • SalehAhmedShafin/Multimodal-Disaster-Event-Identification-from-Social-Media-Posts

    We have proposed a multimodal approach. Where we first took the best unimodal for textual and visual data classification by testing and automation process. Then we fusion of the two models which can successfully classify the materials that have been damaged using the image and text data. EfficientNetB3+BERT multimodal better accuracy with 94.18%

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • venkatavamsi01/CNN_VGG19_EfficientNet_Distraction_Detection

    Driver Distraction Detection with CNN and Transfer Learning (VGG19, EfficientNet)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • AbhiramDodda/SkinDiseaseDetection

    Skin diseases can be detected and classified through Deep Learning techniques. In this project Deep CNN network is built on top of EfficientNetB3 for image classification.

  • i-am-stark/rice_leaf_disease_image_classification

    To preform image classification on Rice Leaf Disease images using CNN via various methods.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10