
There are 5 repositories under election2020 topic.

  • GU-DataLab/stance-detection-KE-MLM

    Official resource of the paper "Knowledge Enhanced Masked Language Model for Stance Detection", NAACL 2021

  • bitey-mouse/voter-lines

    Mobile app to allow voters to view the line-wait-time at the polls on election day by way of crowd-sourcing, geo-fencing, and Google Civic data. React Native front, Django Rest Framework API back.

  • bundit/benfords-law-election-2020

    A web app graphing Trump & Biden results by state against Benford's Law

  • sleeplessinva/yang2020

    Andrew Yang Policies

  • timothycarambat/maricopa_voter_leak

    The site donttouchthegreenbutton.com had a large voter information leak. This is a backup of the sites HTML as well as images that showed the api endpoint that was exposing all of the voter information for Maricopa County voters.
