
There are 7 repositories under electre-i topic.

  • Valdecy/pyDecision

    pyDecision is a comprehensive Python library that encompasses a wide array of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods. These powerful and versatile tools assist in making effective decisions by comparing alternatives based on multiple criteria, making it a valuable resource for researchers, analysts, and decision-makers.

  • jimmyg1997/NTUA-Multi-Criteria-Decision-Analysis

    šŸ“ˆMultiple-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques enhanced with Deep Learning Techniques to solve a Securities Selection (Stocks) problem

    Language:Jupyter Notebook19406
  • Valdecy/J-Electre

    Electre I, I_s, I_v, II, III, IV, TRI and TRI-ME Software

  • Endrju00/PUT-WD

    Wspomaganie decyzji laboratoria (Project for CS studies)

  • danallytic/Electreapps

    A GUI developed in pyqt5 for Multi-Criteria Decision Making using ELECTRE (I,II,III,IV,Is,Iv and TRI)

  • hernaneBraga/Decision_Theory

    Solving a multi-objective TSP problem for 250 cities using SA and deciding the best solution with AHP, ELETRE I, and PROMETHEE II. Repository for the Decision Theory course at UFMG.

  • nikosbeskos/electre-1-3-python-app

    This is the Python application that I created doing my thesis studying Industrial Engineering and Management in Democritus University of Thrace. It contains all the files as long as a link to the standalone executable.
