
There are 68 repositories under electricity-prices topic.

  • JaccoR/hass-entso-e

    Integration for Home Assistant to fetch day ahead energy prices from European countries via ENTSO-e Transparency Platform

  • jpulakka/nordpool_diff

    Transforms electricity spot price into thermostat control signal. Home Assistant custom component.

  • azogue/aiopvpc

    Simple aio library to download Spanish electricity hourly prices (PVPC) from esios.ree.es

  • dannychua/Electricity-Price-Predictor

    Harvard CS109: A predictive model for electricity prices in the midwest, and more specifically, the prices of nodes where nuclear plants are located

    Language:Jupyter Notebook372011
  • madpilot/hass-amber-electric

    Home Assistant Component to pull the latest energy prices from Amber Electric

  • DrafProject/elmada

    Dynamic electricity carbon emission factors and prices for Europe

  • acruzgarcia/OMIEData

    Python package to import data from OMIE (Iberian Peninsula's Electricity Market Operator): https://www.omie.es/

  • Morgan-Sell/caiso-price-forecast

    Predicts the CAISO day-ahead market hourly prices using different forecasting methods including ARIMA and LSTM.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook16205
  • vikas9087/Bilevel-Optimization-Emissions

    Proposed a mathematical model for optimizing the profits and emissions while setting dynamic prices of electricity. A bilevel & multi-objective model is proposed for maximizing profits of retailer, minimizing the emissions produced, & minimizing the total cost of customers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15125
  • wectrl-io/bg_ED_data

    Parses electric utility companies (Cez)

  • Hexagon/entsoe-api-client

    ENTSO-e transparency platform API Client built for Deno. Complete. Easy to use. Minimal.

  • philharmonic/philharmonic

    A Geo-Distributed Cloud Simulator.

  • infradom/ecopower_dynamic_grid_prices

    Dynamic Grid Prices for Ecopower

  • dinmammas/homebridge-tibberswitch

    Allows you to do automation based on the current electricity price

  • azogue/pvpcbill

    Electrical billing for small consumers in Spain using PVPC

  • Hexagon/spotweb

    Dockerized Deno application that gets and caches electricity prices (spot price) from ENTSO-e.

  • kathleenwest/GENCO-Investment-Strategies-by-Simulation-for-Demand-Side-Role-for-Investments-and-Capacity-Adequacy

    This project will present an applied and game-like approach to simulating the load growth, investment decisions by two types of generation technologies, demand-price responsiveness, and reliability, of a test-case power system. The simulation begins as a 9-bus system with existing generation (3 generators) and transmission lines (8 lines). System topology can be viewed in a figure throughout the game with the yearly generation and load at each bus. In addition, dynamic color-coding is used to highlight transmission lines that exceed MVA ratings and highlight bus voltages that violate any limits. The winning objective of the player company (you) is to maximize his profit. Reliability can be tracked by viewing the N-1 generator and line contingencies every year, but this does not influence profits. There are two generation technologies used: coal and gas turbine. Each technology will have a similar competitor in the simulation. The competitor can bring down the market price and reduce the player’s profits significantly. The clock starts at T=0 in the investment game with a historical record of past prices and projected prices based on lack of investment. As time moves forward in yearly increments, the load, prices, investment costs, and other variables are adjusted to that of the player’s performance. The player has the opportunity to study various profitable and unprofitable investment alternatives each year of the simulation. If he invests at the right location, and in the right planning year, his company can make windfall profits. Competitors randomly participate in adding extra generation in random areas of the system based on the competition level settings. The challenge for the user is to study the effects of his investment decisions on market prices, reliability, and his profitability.

  • Philipnah/Nordpool-dayahead-prices

    This Python script opens a browser window and gets information from Nordpool's "day ahead", which "Ørsted" electricity prices follow, and makes a csv file of the hourly prices as well as a graph.

  • thingler/electricity-map

    An interactive and up-to-date map for exploring electricity prices in Europe

  • dfavenfre/electricity-price-forecasting

    Developed various models to forecast hourly electricity prices provided by the EXIST Market Transparency Platform

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • dte_calculator


    A Python based utility to compare DTE electric service plans based on past consumption data

  • otsaloma/electricity-price-chart

    Finnish electricity price chart

  • Parvezkhan0/SmartHeat-ControlRL

    This repo features a deep reinforcement learning Home Energy Management System for cost-effective heating. It optimizes energy consumption using advanced algorithms, outperforming an optimal linear programming solution.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3103
  • jaksanders/electric-load-forecasting

    Deep learning models for short term electric load forecasting

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2302
  • mariondam/Wattflex

    Code as part of the Wattflex-project

  • MaykThewessen/V2G-Day-Ahead_2030

    Master Thesis Electricity markets simulaiton of Day-Ahead price formation in 2030 with large share of batteries (incl V2G) acting and competing with each other and itself

  • romilandc/ML-nodal-price-forecast

    Machine Learning Locational Marginal Price (LMP) forecast of California electricity prices.

  • willyfromtheblock/strom_api

    RESTful server for electricity prices.

  • baggepinnen/Tibber.jl

    A Julia interface to the Tibber API

  • fixcoder/kWh-Standby-Stromkostenrechner

    Kosten und Energie aus der Leistung in Watt berechnen.

  • ogd-bl/elcom-strompreise

    Code used to download electricity prices by municipality, operator and year from ElCom through LINDAS.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • solectrus/senec-charger

    Automated low-cost grid charging for SENEC Home V3 / V2.1 and Tibber dynamic electricity tariff

  • timebis/goEpexSpot

    GoEpexSpot aims to be a comprehensive API client for fetching Day-ahead EPEX SPOT prices using Golang (Go).
