
There are 47 repositories under emergence topic.

  • MinghuiChen43/awesome-deep-phenomena

    A curated list of papers of interesting empirical study and insight on deep learning. Continually updating...

  • maxencefaldor/cax

    Cellular Automata Accelerated in JAX

  • jepemo/awesome-complexity

    A curated list of amazingly awesome Complexity Science resources, courses and shiny things

  • mmore500/dishtiny

    DISHTINY: A Platform for Studying Open-Ended Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality

  • MathieuRita/Lazimpa

    Code for the paper LazImpa: Lazy and Impatient neural agents learn to communicate efficiently. Mathieu Rita, Rahma Chaabouni and Emmanuel Dupoux (CoNLL 2020)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17106
  • MuonRay/QuantumNetworkSimulations

    A series of simulation codes used to emulate quantum-like networks in the simulation of emergent adaptive behavior, such as network synchronization, and relate the nature of the coupled harmonic oscillators with non-local behavior and chimera states in systems of quantum particles. Coding Used is based on mathematical modelling of transport in quantum many-body systems and networks made tractable using the quantum newtons cradle. A full showcase of this project is discussed in the following videos:https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=115&v=WX3Ds_xCOaE

  • JakobStenseke/CellularAutomataElements

    Rock-paper-scissor implementation of cellular automata

  • patrick-mahnkopf/emergent-algorithms

    :bird::ant:This repository contains simulations of emergent behavior such as the swarming behavior of flocking birds and schooling fish, as well as the foraging behavior of ant colonies.

  • Quantum


    Quantum is deprecated and no longer maintained.

  • sjijon/estimate-emergence-from-data

    Code for reproducing the results from the preprint "Using early detection data to estimate the date of emergence of an epidemic outbreak".

  • KonstantinTomashevich/Emergence

    Flexible set of libraries for gameplay development. Currently under development.

  • aelhometta


    Archaic attempt at autonomous non-sandboxed distributed artificial life of assembler automaton type.

  • falcowinkler/flockingbird

    Flocking algorithm implementation in c++

  • Fungeey/MonoBoids

    MonoBoids is a C# implementation of Boids, using Monogame for graphics.

  • jeremy-collins/fractal_generation

    Python scripts which generate fractals from scratch. I wrote these to get some intuition for recursion. Did you know that the B in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stands for Benoit B. Mandelbrot?

  • LEE-CHENYU/leviathan

    Exploring the Emergence of Complex Systems through Individual Decisions and Relationships

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3142
  • Lleyton-Ariton/life-101

    Example projects showcasing life-like emergence of behaviour

  • PieMH/Complex-Adaptive-Systems

    A project for Complex Adaptive Systems' computational models

  • RituPande/hnca

    Code for 'Hierarchical Neural Cellular Automata' (Alife 2023)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3201
  • alexgurr/react-emergence

    React wrapper for detecting element visibility in the browser, using https://xtianmiller.github.io/emergence.js/

  • C4c7u5/Demergence

    Work in progress of demergence, a project targeting emergent behaviours in simulated environments.

  • harrisonv789/Conways_Life

    A small fun project to simulate Conway's Game of Life, created in Python. Conway's Game of Life simulates a grid of cells, where the state of each cell consists of whether the cell is alive or dead.

  • jetnew/complex-systems

    My work on Complex Systems.

  • zacoppotamus/derive

    Sound word drifting

  • alirezap94/ICSPIS-2021

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • cycell2d/cycell2d


  • DarkStarStrix/Emergent-Dynamics

    The emergent dynamics model captures the behavior of a system where individual elements exhibit chaotic and unpredictable behavior at the microscale

  • daxelb/dorgs

    Artificial Life Simulation using Neuroevolution in JS

  • fzipp/pps

    An implementation of a primordial particle system (PPS). A life-like system emerges from a simplistic particle motion law.

  • kastnerp/ComplexAdaptiveSystems

    Challenge #1 for PADM 5449 Fall 2020

  • mmore500/alife-2018

    Writeup of major transitions project for ALife 2018

  • Mohamed-94/colony

    Colony, a unity game demonstration of Emergence and Chaos theory.

  • MuonRay/QuantumSyncTest

    Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeqVSh1_8Hk Here are the C Codes that implement an experimental Firefly synchronization metaheuristic on ATMEL chips (ATtiny85 and ATmega) for use in demonstrating, on hardware, the quantum-like, neuromorphic behavior that emerges in systems of optically coupled oscillators. The PCB board used for the ATtiny85 chiptest is available for download here: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/d4Sdp6CL

  • oujago/Network_of_RNNs

    The source codes for the paper "Network of Recurrent Neural Networks: Design for Emergence".

  • paxtonproctor/4553_Agent-Based-Modeling

    An agent-based model (ABM) is a computational model for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective entities such as organizations or groups) in order to understand the behavior of a system and what governs its outcomes. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary programming.

  • shak360/UCLA-ECE210A-Towfic-2018-Spring-Final-Project

    An attempt to recreate the BOIDS algorithm on emergent properties derived from MMSE estimates and stochastic gradient descent updates. Final result is a diffusion gradient descent algorithm.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100