
There are 631 repositories under emotion-detection topic.

  • human


    Human: AI-powered 3D Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Body Pose Tracking, 3D Hand & Finger Tracking, Iris Analysis, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction, Gaze Tracking, Gesture Recognition

  • atulapra/Emotion-detection

    Real-time Facial Emotion Detection using deep learning

  • maelfabien/Multimodal-Emotion-Recognition

    A real time Multimodal Emotion Recognition web app for text, sound and video inputs

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9072418292
  • vladmandic/face-api

    FaceAPI: AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using TensorFlow/JS

  • declare-lab/MELD

    MELD: A Multimodal Multi-Party Dataset for Emotion Recognition in Conversation

  • WIKI2020/FacePose_pytorch

    🔥🔥The pytorch implement of the head pose estimation(yaw,roll,pitch) and emotion detection with SOTA performance in real time.Easy to deploy, easy to use, and high accuracy.Solve all problems of face detection at one time.(极简,极快,高效是我们的宗旨)

  • av-savchenko/face-emotion-recognition

    Efficient face emotion recognition in photos and videos

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7151053128
  • x4nth055/emotion-recognition-using-speech

    Building and training Speech Emotion Recognizer that predicts human emotions using Python, Sci-kit learn and Keras

  • awesome-sentiment-analysis


    Reading list for Awesome Sentiment Analysis papers

  • richmondu/libfaceid

    libfaceid is a research framework for prototyping of face recognition solutions. It seamlessly integrates multiple detection, recognition and liveness models w/ speech synthesis and speech recognition.

  • ResidualMaskingNetwork


    ICPR 2020: Facial Expression Recognition using Residual Masking Network

  • PeiranLi0930/L-SVD

    Large-Scale Selfie Video Dataset (L-SVD): A Benchmark for Emotion Recognition

  • JustinShenk/fer

    Facial Expression Recognition with a deep neural network as a PyPI package

    Language:Jupyter Notebook35494681
  • face-analysis/emonet

    Official implementation of the paper "Estimation of continuous valence and arousal levels from faces in naturalistic conditions", Antoine Toisoul, Jean Kossaifi, Adrian Bulat, Georgios Tzimiropoulos and Maja Pantic, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2021

  • face_liveness_detection-Anti-spoofing


    face liveness detection activate, the script asks the person to generate an action, for example one of the actions they may ask you to do is smile, turn your face to the right, get angry, blink, etc. The actions are requested randomly, after fulfilling all the actions it generates a message saying "liveness successful" or "liveness fail"

  • IliaZenkov/transformer-cnn-emotion-recognition

    Speech Emotion Classification with novel Parallel CNN-Transformer model built with PyTorch, plus thorough explanations of CNNs, Transformers, and everything in between

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2398645
  • Face_info


    face recognition, detection of facial attributes (age, gender, emotion and race) for python.

  • HumeAI/hume-api-examples

    Example projects built with the Hume AI APIs

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14011574
  • Tandon-A/emotic

    PyTorch implementation of Emotic CNN methodology to recognize emotions in images using context information.

  • susantabiswas/realtime-facial-emotion-analyzer

    Human Emotion Analysis using facial expressions in real-time from webcam feed. Based on the dataset from Kaggle's Facial Emotion Recognition Challenge.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1275333
  • AIML-Human-Attributes-Detection-with-Facial-Feature-Extraction


    This is a Human Attributes Detection program with facial features extraction. It detects facial coordinates using FaceNet model and uses MXNet facial attribute extraction model for extracting 40 types of facial attributes. This solution also detects Emotion, Age and Gender along with facial attributes.

  • ikegami-yukino/pymlask

    Emotion analyzer for Japanese text

  • sidmulajkar/sentiment-predictor-for-stress-detection

    Voice stress analysis (VSA) aims to differentiate between stressed and non-stressed outputs in response to stimuli (e.g., questions posed), with high stress seen as an indication of deception. In this work, we propose a deep learning-based psychological stress detection model using speech signals. With increasing demands for communication between humans and intelligent systems, automatic stress detection is becoming an interesting research topic. Stress can be reliably detected by measuring the level of specific hormones (e.g., cortisol), but this is not a convenient method for the detection of stress in human- machine interactions. The proposed algorithm first extracts Mel- filter bank coefficients using pre-processed speech data and then predicts the status of stress output using a binary decision criterion (i.e., stressed or unstressed) using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and dense fully connected layer networks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook925226
  • collab-uniba/Emotion_and_Polarity_SO

    An emotion classifier of text containing technical content from the SE domain

    Language:OpenEdge ABL7691419
  • abikaki/awesome-speech-emotion-recognition

    😎 Awesome lists about Speech Emotion Recognition

  • IliaZenkov/sklearn-audio-classification

    An in-depth analysis of audio classification on the RAVDESS dataset. Feature engineering, hyperparameter optimization, model evaluation, and cross-validation with a variety of ML techniques and MLP

    Language:Jupyter Notebook742118
  • UttaranB127/STEP

    Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Emotion Perception from Gaits

  • simplesaad/EmotionDetection_RealTime

    This is a Python 3 based project to display facial expressions by performing fast & accurate face detection with OpenCV using a pre-trained deep learning face detector model shipped with the library.

  • chenyangh/DialogueGenerationWithEmotion

    Response generation giving specific emotion.

  • hasanhuz/SpanEmo


  • kevinisbest/FrontEnd-EmotionDetection

    Emotion detection on browser using TensorFlow.js

  • Video-Audio-Face-Emotion-Recognition


    The repo contains an audio emotion detection model, facial emotion detection model, and a model that combines both these models to predict emotions from a video

    Language:Jupyter Notebook572212
  • Helsinki-NLP/XED

    XED multilingual emotion datasets

    Language:Jupyter Notebook569517
  • kanchitank/Text-Emotion-Analysis

    Automate detection of different emotions from paragraphs and predict overall emotion.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook561019
  • SanjayMarreddi/Emotion-Investigator

    An Exciting Deep Learning-based Flask web app that predicts the Facial Expressions of users and also does Graphical Visualization of the Expressions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4722872
  • zhang-tuo-pdf/FedAudio

    [ICASSP 2023] FedAudio: A Federated Learning Benchmark for Audio and Speech Tasks
