
There are 30 repositories under empirical-software-engineering topic.

  • Derek-Jones/ESEUR-code-data

    Code and data used to create the examples in "Evidence-based Software Engineering based on the publicly available data"

  • S2-group/robot-runner

    Tool for Automatically Executing Experiments on Robotics Software

  • S2-group/experiment-runner

    Tool for the automatic orchestration of experiments targeting software systems

  • Copilot-Eval-Replication-Package/CopilotEvaluation

    The Replication Package of the paper "GitHub Copilot AI pair programmer: Asset or Liability?" submitted to the Journal of Systems and Software on June 2022.

  • staslev/CodeDistillery

    A highly parallel software repository mining framework.

  • h1alexbel/sr-detection

    Identifying GitHub "sample repositories" (SR), that mostly contain educational or demonstration materials supposed to be copied instead of reused as a dependency

  • aaghamohammadi/PUMT

    The source code for the paper: An ensemble-based predictive mutation testing approach that considers impact of unreached mutants

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4401
  • aaghamohammadi/SFC

    The source code for the paper: Statement frequency coverage: A code coverage criterion for assessing test suite effectiveness

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2300
  • al-alamin/LCSD_challenge_EMSE

    Replication package for 'Low-code software development practitioners challenges discussed in Stack Overflow' for EMSE Journal

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2102
  • al-alamin/LowCodeEmpiricalMSR2021

    This repository contains code and dataset for our conference paper on low-code software development challenges published in MSR, 2021

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • mooselab/ML_StackTrace

    This repo mine Stack Overflow (SO) and study 11,095 stack traces related to seven popular Python ML libraries.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • TahaRostami/predicting-fault-revealing-mutants-by-estimating-the-difficulty-of-killing-them

    The source code for the paper: FrMi: Fault-revealing Mutant Identification using killability severity

  • Zimmi48/thesis

    Notebooks from my PhD thesis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2310
  • ElsevierSoftwareX/SOFTX-D-21-00082

    SMS-Builder: An Adaptive Software Tool for Building Systematic Mapping Studies. To cite this Original Software Publication: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352711021001710

  • quasarresearchgroup/PLESER

    PLESER - a microservices-based scientific workflow management PLatform for Empirical Software Engineering Research

  • S2-group/mobilesoft-2020-caching-pwa-replication-package

    Replication package of the paper titled "Evaluating the Impact of Caching on the Energy Consumption and Performance of Progressive Web Apps" published at MOBILESoft 2020

  • S2-group/quatic-2024-electron-web-energy-perf-rep-pkg

    Replication package of the study titled "Electron vs. Web: A Comparative Analysis of Energy and Performance in Communication Apps" presented at QUATIC 2024

  • swissmanu/mse-pa1-experiment

    This repository is part of my master's study research regarding "Debugging of RxJS-based Applications". It contains the source code for two problems used during the observational study to validate the debugging techniques software engineers apply when debugging RxJS-based programs.

  • swissmanu/mse-paper-debugging-of-rxjs-based-applications

    RxJS is a popular library to implement data-flow-oriented applications with JavaScript using reactive programming principles. This way of programming bears new challenges for traditional debuggers: Their focus on imperative programming limits their applicability to problems originated in the declarative programming paradigm. The goals of this paper are: (i) to understand how software engineers debug RxJS-based applications, what tools do they use, what techniques they apply; (ii) to understand what are the most prevalent challenges they face while doing so; and (iii) to provide a course of action to resolve these challenges in a future iteration on the topic. We learned about the debugging habits of ten professionals using interviews, and hands-on war story reports. Based on this data, we designed and executed an observational study with four subjects to verify that engineers predominantly augment source code with manual trace logs instead of using specialized debugging utilities. In the end, we identified the lack of fully integrated RxJS-specific debugging solutions in existing development environments as the most significant reason why engineers do not make use of such tools. We decided to elaborate on how to resolve this situation in our future work.

  • bojananeskovic/Empirical-software-engineering

    Research on the topic 'Time Pressure'

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Emad-Salehi/Developers-Cognitive-Biases-during-Code-Review

    Investigating the (non)existence of supporting evidence for reviewers’ availability and anchoring biases during code review.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • GreenLab-Kebab/gl-kebab

    Replication package of the paper "An Empirical Analysis of JavaScript Dead Code in the Wild" submitted for the Green Lab course 2019-2020 edition

  • KevinMaggi/evolution-of-code-td-in-msa_rep-pkg

    Replication package for the master thesis work entitled "Analysis of the Evolution of Code Technical Debt in Microservices Architectures" in Computer Engineering at University of Florence

  • brains-on-code/brains-on-code.github.io

    Project Web site of our Brains on Code research group

  • buehler/mse-seminar-ds-ese-paper

    Research paper for the "Design Science & Empirical Software Engineering" MSE seminar

  • evidence-based-software-engineering


    This is a weird repo... \_(ツ)_/¯ | It's contents were an early attempt at trying to structure my thoughts and arguments around the current technoloogical epoch transitions that were well underway in society at the time as humanity entered the twilight of the Information Age, aka the Third Industrial Revolution.

  • S2-group/cain-2024-distilled-models-energy-perf-rep-pkg

    Replication package of the study titled "The Impact of Knowledge Distillation on the Energy Consumption and Runtime Efficiency of NLP Models" presented at CAIN 2024

  • sboysel/retrograde

    Rewind a git repository through its development history

  • swissmanu/mse-seminar-reactive-applications-in-frontend-engineering-today

    🎓 Master Seminar: Reactive Applications in Frontend Engineering Today

  • swissmanu/mse-thesis

    A summative master thesis presented for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering
