
There are 57 repositories under entanglement topic.

  • quimb


    A python library for quantum information and many-body calculations including tensor networks.

  • QuantumSavory/QuantumClifford.jl

    Clifford circuits, graph states, and other quantum Stabilizer formalism tools.

  • caphindsight/TrulyQuantumChess

    A game of truly quantum chess, with interference, entanglement, etc.

  • valvy/miniqubit

    Quantum emulator of the IBM Quantum experience

  • Wondertan/go-ipfs-recovery

    Data recovery for IPFS protocol.

  • jmiszczak/qi

    QI package for Mathematica

  • schlegelp/tanglegram

    Plot tanglegrams from two dendrograms

  • qubit-science-club/quantum_reinforcement_learning

    Study of entanglement and Shannon entropies in Quantum Reinforcement Learning (and its classical counterpart) in a discrete environment.

  • QuNet


    A scalable quantum network simulator based on cost vector analysis implemented in Julia.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15115
  • Krastanov/qevo

    Optimization algorithm for the creation of quantum entanglement purification (distillation) circuits.

  • johnphantom/Dynamic-Stateless-Computer

    I propose a new form of logic; Logic Geometry. Dynamic connections, or dynamic geometric logic, or logic through the changing shape of geometry, like a truth table that the truths change and is essentially functional programming, but is logic without values or measurements, where the changing shape is the only information.

  • MuonRay/Quantum_Entanglement_Experiments_Arduino_Python

    A series of codes for conducting the quantum entanglement experiments as showcased on my YouTube Channel. Using a non-linear crystal made of Beta-Barium Borate (BBO) I am able to generate 2 entangled photon beams of wavelength 810nm each from a pump laser beam of 405nm which is pulsed using the Arduino and directed into the splitter. the entangled photons are in quantum superposition of the H and V modes, with the indeterminacy being a perfect 50/50 split. These are directed by beamsplitters into 2 detectors which either detect a H or V mode but never both. Whichever silicon phototransistor sensor on the arduino detects the H and which detects the V mode is purely random creating a random number source that is irreducible and thus unhackable. The random numbers generated by this scheme are a stream of integer bits. To generate purely random non-integers I use a CCD and a split mirror that directs the 2 photons into an aperture of a connected CCD microscope sensor. By splitting the image were the 2 beams of entangled photons meet and correlating the 2 images to detect random changes we can assume due to the nature of entanglment that the difference between the images must be in part due to the random fluctuations of the vacuum as the 2 entangled photons when cross-correlated should be equal but of opposite polarization. the randomness is beneath the intrinsic shot noise of the CCD sensor as quantum entangled photon streams generated in such a scheme allow for sub-shot noise imaging in holography setups. A python code for generating cross-correlated images is also available to use in this repository however it requires time to correlate across all the pixel data. this can be used as a way to produce sub-shot noise images using standard CCD microscope cameras in such a setup.

  • empyriumz/Entanglement-Dynamics

    Random unitary time evolution plus projective measurement in the one-dimensional quantum circuit model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11315
  • mballarin97/mps_qnn

    Entanglement characterization of variational quantum circuits using a Matrix Product State simulator and qiskit.

  • rupeshtr78/quantum

    Quantum Computing Basics Using Python projectq

  • zeynepCankara/Introduction-Quantum-Programming

    An introduction guide designed to introduce Quantum Programming concepts with Qiskit.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6302
  • quantom14/Quantum-Entanglement

    Some MATLAB functions that may be used for exploring quantum entanglement and quantum transformations numerically.

  • Denny-Hwang/q-lottery-game

    Real Random Number Generation for Lottery-game using Qiskit

  • ShababAhmedd/CSE481_QuantumComputing-I

    This repository contains all the theory resources and lab assignments done in the course CSE481 of BracU

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4101
  • tmainiero/homological-tools-4QM-mathematica

    Computes cohomology groups of certain chain complexes associated to pure or mixed states. For pure states this cohomology is a measure of entanglement. For more information see https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.02011.

  • GlazeDonuts/Tensor-Norms

    Code for algorithms and experiments on the multipartite entanglement of random tensors.

  • jeppe742/QuantBoxPy

    Python implementation of https://github.com/catch22/quantbox, for testing quantum states for entanglement, using extendibility

  • omesser/stateseparator

    Quantum State Separator Web application

  • tmainiero/homological-tools-4QM-octave

    Computes the ranks of cohomology groups of certain chain complexes associated to pure or mixed states. For pure states this cohomology is a measure of entanglement. For more information see https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.02011.

  • tonyboutwell/quantum-wave

    Qiskit/python experiment to create an entanglement communication protocol that doesn't require a classical channel for verification.

  • wberdanier/freefermions

    Python and Julia code for computing entanglement and Loschmidt echo dynamics in free-fermionic models.

  • bubbajoe/Artificial-Qubits

    A simple javascript/html project to demonstrate how qubits can be artificially created

  • qurrium/qurrium

    Qurry 🍛 - The Quantum Experiment Manager for Qiskit and The Measuring Tool for Renyi Entropy, Wave Function Overlap, and More

  • wocker/Students-Tutors-Matching

    This classified document provides a reflective analysis of the covert educational operation termed #PilandoAndo.

  • 18520339/uts-quantum-computing

    Interactive Showcases of Quantum Tic-Tac-Toe Game and Shor's Algorithm for Integer Factorization, covering various Quantum Computing concepts like Quantum Gates, Superposition & Entanglement, Measurement & Collapse, or Quantum Fourier Transform & Phase Estimation, etc.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1113
  • quantum-entanglement-simulation


    Entangled state of a quantum computer simulation

  • CodingThrust/trainingcamp

    Training Camp Materials

  • DelMaestroGroup/papers-code-OneParticleEntanglementEntropy

    Data, code and scripts for 1-particle entanglement entropy after a quantum quench

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • izure1/cache-entanglement

    Manage caches that are dependent on each other efficiently.
