
There are 20 repositories under enumerated-types topic.

  • alassek/activerecord-pg_enum

    Integrate PostgreSQL's enumerated types with the Rails enum feature

  • JAForbes/sum-type

    A simple, serializable sum-type format

  • stefano-m/lua-enum

    Enumerated Types for Lua

  • datatypevoid/wren-enum

    Enumerated Types for Wren.

  • rafer/enumerated_type

    Simple enumerated types

  • ElianHugh/enumr

    Enumerations for R

  • HowProgrammingWorks/Enum

    Enumerated type

  • yujideveloper/rekkyo

    Enumerated type in Ruby

  • gwagner57/cLASSjs

    A JS library for model-based app development, defining a semantically rich concept of classes with property ranges and other property constraints. cLASSjs can be used as the model component in a Model-View-Controller (MVC) application. It helps to avoid boilerplate code for data storage management, constraint validation and CRUD user interfaces.

  • dnl-blkv/simple-php-enum

    Simple C/C++ alike enum library in PHP

  • MichaelBrim/tedium

    bits of common code to reuse across C/C++ projects

  • THE108/enumlinter

    Enum linter for enumerated types in Go

  • Traffician/objective-enums

    Objective-like Enumerated Types in JavaScript and Node

  • Traffician/babel-plugin-objective-enums

    Babel plugin supporting TypeScript-like enum syntax in JavaScript.

  • bell-kevin/chapter12ExerciseProjectCountingCoins

    Chapter 12 Exercise Project: Counting Coins. You run a very successful ice cream truck in the summer, with lots of kids paying for ice cream in coins. At the end of the day, you have a large pile of coins. It would be very helpful if you could just count the number of quarters, the number of dimes, the number of nickels, and the number of pennies, enter those counts of each type of coin into a program, and have the program calculate the total worth of all the coins. For this project, you will use an enum named Coin, which specifies the name and the worth of each type of coin. See Fig 12.11a on p. 547 for an example of an enum with additional information. In the driver code, ask the user how many coins are a quarter, how many are a dime, and so on, and calculate the value of that pile of coins. Ask the user what they think the pile of coins is worth. Using the ternary or conditional operator, compare the user's guess to the value of the pile of coins to display either "You are correct" or "You are incorrect". Note that the names of each member of the enum are capitalized, as appropriate for constants. Use a For-Each loop to go through each of the elements of the enum to ask for the number of that type of coin and calculate the worth of those coins. Look at the code on the bottom of p. 548 for an example. Be sure to use proper formatting for currency on those lines displaying money values. Run the project 4 times, with different values for the piles of coins. Two of the guesses need to be correct and 2 incorrect. Take screenshots of the results. Note: This project must have an enum, a For-Each loop, and a ternary or conditional operator. Submission:the specified screenshots and the root folder for the project Pay careful attention to the rubric for this assignment. Note that you must use correct formatting in the code -- appropriate indentation is most important. You can use Shift-Alt-F to have NetBeans automatically format the code correctly. If the formatting is incorrect, it will be returned to you for changes with a grade of zero. Note: You need to submit the whole project for these assignments. In File Explorer, go to the location where you created the project. There will be a folder with the name of your project -- that is the root folder of the project. If you submit the root folder of the project, the instructor can run it on a different machine to grade it. If you don't submit the proper folder, it won't run on another machine, and the assignment will be marked with a zero.

  • cwchentw/ocenum

    Enumeration Class for Objective-C

  • kbhagi/enum_type

    eumerated types in C# 6.0

  • ObserverOfTime/enumagic.py

    Python enums infused with magic

  • petrknap/php-enum

    Enumerated type for PHP

  • saif86/CPP-Enumerations

    Defining enumerations in C++
