
There are 4 repositories under epidoc-xml-markup topic.

  • digicademy/xml-modellieren-strukturieren-repraesentieren

    Dieses Repositoriums enthält die Folien und die Übungsmaterialien zur Datenmodellierung und Datenverarbeitung in XML der Veranstaltung "Grundlagen Digitaler Methodik in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften". Zusätzlich finden sich Folien zu TEI-XML und TEI-EpiDoc

  • rsdc2/PyEpiDoc

    Python library for handling TEI EpiDoc files

  • SigiDoc/Guidelines

    These are the guidelines of SigiDoc 1.0 - The XML-based and EpiDoc-compliant encoding standard for the scholarly edition of Byzantine lead seals and coin-like objects. Newest developments in the framework of the DFG-ANR project DigiByzSeal "Unlocking the Hidden Value of Seals: New Methodologies for Historical Research in Byzantine Studies" ANR: https://anr.fr/Project-ANR-21-FRAL-0008; DFG: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/469385434.

  • csv-to-epidoc


    Converts a character-separated value file into basic TEI-XML EpiDoc files that are used in epigraphic research in the Humanities.
