
There are 5 repositories under erc1620 topic.

  • LexiccLabs/SemiotNet

    First Prize Winner of the Binance Build for Bharat 2021. Privacy Preserving Secure Stable Coin Streaming Network on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) TestNet powered by VDF Locked Time Weighted Averages.

  • GigameshGarages/EbbNet

    2020 Matic Network Build-N-Earn Grant Recipient. Decentralised Dynamic Stream of Multidimensional Money Markets powered by Verified Delay Functions

  • GigameshGarages/SiddhiNet

    Winner of Binance Prize in the ETH Punk 2021. Privacy Preserving & Real Time Randomness Powered Skill Streaming Social Token Marketplace using ERC20, ERC 721, ERC 1620, ERC 1724 Specifications.

  • GigameshGarages/ReefNet

    Privacy Preserving Metadata Proof Powered Data Streaming Token Vaults with zkRollups on Ocean Protocol

  • Semiott/NalaNet

    Creative Convergence of Chefs and Coders for the Culinary Community of GastroNauts
