
There are 434 repositories under erdiagram topic.

  • drawdb-io/drawdb

    Free, simple, and intuitive online database diagram editor and SQL generator.

  • antvis/X6

    πŸš€ JavaScript diagramming library that uses SVG and HTML for rendering.

  • mohammed-bahumaish/prisma-editor

    Prisma Editor - A powerful tool to visualize and edit Prisma Schema.

  • commandprompt/pgmanage

    Web tool for database management

  • KarnerTh/mermerd

    Create Mermaid-Js ERD diagrams from existing tables

  • amatsuda/erd

    A Rails engine for drawing your app's ER diagram

  • eugene-manuilov/typeorm-uml

    Generate Entity Relationship diagrams for Typeorm powered projects.

  • zekenie/d2-erd-from-postgres

    Create a D2 ERD Diagram from your existing postgres schema

  • vesoft-inc/nebulagraph-veditor

    A Highly customizable JavaScript Diagramming Lib with SVG, HTML, Canvas support.

  • tobilg/duckerd

    CLI to create an ER Diagram from DuckDB database files

  • BOCOVO/db-schema-visualizer

    A Visual Studio Code extension to visualize database schemas as Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) from DBML or Prisma files directly within the editor.

  • maitree7/Fraud_Detection_SQL

    Fraud Detection on credit card transations

    Language:Jupyter Notebook591121
  • nestorrente/erdiagram

    Entity-Relationship diagram code generator library

  • ahmad-elassuty/rails_graph

    Graph visualization for Rails applications

  • imjuni/erdia

    CLI to generate mermaid.js ER diagram using TypeORM entity

  • my-schema-flow


    An electron.js application designed to assist you in creating diagrams, especially for MySQL databases. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to visualize and comprehend your database structure more easily.

  • anwesh90/Hospital-Management-System

    SQL Database implementation of Hospital Management workflow

  • nick-solly/django-diagram

    Generate an Entity Relationship Diagram for a Django project in Mermaid format

  • ShahriarKh/strapi-content-type-explorer

    πŸ—Ί Content-Type Explorer is a Strapi plugin that visualizes your content types and their relationships like an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram).

  • ab-noori/Blog-App

    The Blog app will be a classic example of a blog website. A fully functional website that will display the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by allowing comments to be added and posts to be liked.

  • drawerd/drawerd

    DrawERD for rails.

  • ab-noori/clinic

    The database diagram is interpreted, and implemented the SQL needed to build that database.

  • jig-erd



  • 0xBadawy/Pharmastan

    Actively contributed to the creation of a sophisticated Pharmacy Management System for personal project development. β€’ Authored essential documentation including Software Requirements Specification (SRS) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams.

  • chprajap/Campus-Recruitment-System

    Campus Recruitment System - A solution to recruitment processes in current colleges

  • simonireilly/typeorm-erd

    Generate ERD's in typeorm for any desired output renderer

  • angeluray/hotel-booking-backend

    Hotelator is a SPA built with with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and React/Redux following a TDD. Allows users to Sign in/up, make hotel reservations, check for them, decline them or add/delete hotel packages. All these actions made by JWT authentication in order to retrieve the specific data for each user.

  • octo-kumo/evil-er

    ER Diagrams drawing tool (entity relationship diagrams)

  • mansik95/Hotel-Booking-and-Renting-Database-

    AirBNB is a rental and hospitality website that is used all over the world in more than 191 countries for short-term lodging such as vacations. The company that was founded in 2008 has a lot of customers who rent the houses of the hosts who put up their houses on rent. The purpose of this project is to design and develop the database of AirBNB to dig deeper into learning how complex a hospitality enterprise database can be. AirBNB has revolutionized lodging and travelling and it can serve as a blueprint for a lot of other industries which function on the principle of renting instead of ownership. This business model is the future and it will be intriguing to learn about the data that the AirBNB needs to store in their database so that it is used in meaningful ways to best serve the people associated with the enterprise.

  • hurshd0/aviano-db

    Simple Car Rental System Database Design Project -- used to learn principles of database design or use it for front-end projects

  • matias-lg/er

    ERDoc: a language to represent Entity-Relationship models.

  • prashuk/SQL-Taxi-Management

    Taxi Management Database Project

  • Ashwanikumarkashyap/amazon-database-system-plsql

    The project implements the Amazon's e-commerce database system which fulfils all the functional requirements for an e-commerce website. The database is created by designing the Extended Entity Relation (EER) model of Amazon as an E-commerce website. EER is then converted to relational tables using the set of well defined rules and after applying the normalisation techniques. Project utilizes PLSQL and it's stored procedures, triggeres and cursors to create tables and maintain the consistency within the relational database.

  • Software-Developers-IRL/Little-Mermaid-2-The-SQL

    a command line tool for generating create sql from mermaid erDiagram
