
There are 34 repositories under escalation topic.

  • linkedin/iris

    Iris is a highly configurable and flexible service for paging and messaging.

  • milo2012/portia

    Portia aims to automate a number of techniques commonly performed on internal network penetration tests after a low privileged account has been compromised. Portia performs privilege escalation as well as lateral movement automatically in the network

  • twelvesec/rootend

    A *nix Enumerator & Auto Privilege Escalation tool.

  • openduty/openduty

    Open source incident escalation tool

  • graniet/Inspector

    The Inspector tool is a privilege escalation helper (PoC), easy to deployed on web server, this tool can list process running with root, check kernel version, check history file, get possible exploit ...

  • NYAN-x-CAT/UAC-Escaper

    Escalation / Bypass Windows UAC

  • linkedin/iris-mobile

    A mobile interface for linkedin/iris, built for iOS and Android on the Ionic platform

  • Kwangsa19/Ketmanto-Cybersecurity-Portfolio

    I developed a rigorous cybersecurity project portfolio on mock clients covering NIST, audits, Linux, SQL, assets, threats, vulnerabilities, detection, incident response, escalation, Wireshark, tcpdump, IDS (Suricata), SIEM (Splunk, Chronicle), and Python automation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook311010
  • cloudposse/terraform-opsgenie-incident-management

    Terraform module to provision Opsgenie resources from YAML configurations using the Opsgenie provider,, complete with automated tests

  • SeanPesce/lib2shell

    Shared library implementations that transform the containing process into a shell when loaded (useful for privilege escalation, argument injection, file overwrites, LD_PRELOAD, etc.).

  • Shiva108/escalationserver

    Escalation Servers and Scripts for Priv Escalation

  • GoogleCloudPlatform/gke-secure-defaults-demo

    This lab demonstrates some of the security concerns of a default Kubernetes Engine cluster configuration and the corresponding hardening measures to prevent multiple paths of pod escape and cluster privilege escalation.

  • cloudposse/terraform-aws-efs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms

    Terraform module that configures CloudWatch SNS alerts for EFS

  • Afriness/Advanced-Penetration-testing

    A Step by Step Penetration Testing Sheet for Cyber Security Experts

  • Vinny-Bot/Vinny

    discord moderation bot based on a sanction system

  • cloudposse-archives/terraform-aws-elasticache-cloudwatch-sns-alarms

    Terraform module that configures CloudWatch SNS alerts for ElastiCache

  • vertical-privilege-escalation


    A threat actor may perform unauthorized functions belonging to another user with a higher privileges level

  • horizontal-privilege-escalation


    A threat actor may perform unauthorized functions belonging to another user with a similar privileges level

  • Ishoshot/Notification-Escalator

    This is a simple Electron App that Notifies you for a pending issue from a DB check

  • lypd0/CVE-2021-3156-checker

    Checker for CVE-2021-3156 with static version check

  • shamo0/CVE-2021-27928-POC


  • tymyrddin/red

    Red team

  • usnistgov/eerc

    NIST Energy Escalation Rate Calculator

  • hique023/escalabilidade_node

    Servidor simples em Node que possui como propósito a utilização dos cores dos processador afim de gerenciar processos de forma simultânea.

  • LangHuiHE/OnCallRails

    OnCallRails is a solo project that serves as a Ruby on Rails rewrite of LinkedIn's Iris project. This project aims to extend Iris's functionalities, improve performance, and modernize the user interface with a planned React integration.

  • leonardo8787/minix-1-documentation

    Official MINIX sources - Automatically replicated from - This repository was produced for academic porpuses, the focus is politcs of the escalation, but there are the general documentation of MINIX 3 in Wiki of repository.

  • Santzu-27/Escalonamentos

    Um sistema que simula o escalonamento de processos CFS, SJF Não-Preemptivo, SJF Preemptivo, Prioridade Não-Preemptivo, Prioridade Preemptivo e Round-Robin.

  • christiancoleman/lonelypotato

    Barely modified version of lonelypotato's work. Added 32-bit binary (64-bit was already present) and some clarification about the install.

  • dilawar/sudo2

    This is a fork of `karen` (extended fork of the sudo and elevate crates) which is a simple library to restart your process with sudo to escalate privileges.

  • itsmng/escalade

    Fork of the escalade plugin from the parent project.

  • mo-azfar/OTRS-ZnunyLTS-Enforce-Closing-of-Escalated-Tickets

    Force an agent (ticket owner) to closing any escalated ticket first before can proceed to another ticket.

  • mrx04programmer/RootShell

    Bypass root with the command 'sudo' and others simples..

  • TheLeopard65/Basic-Privesc-Enum

    This repository provides a single file containing a cheat sheet for privilege escalation techniques on Unix/Linux-like operating systems. It includes a collection of useful commands and tips for identifying potential privilege escalation vectors, designed for security professionals, enthusiasts and especially penetration testers.

  • ym1085/TIL

    📖 Daily summary of what I have learned