
There are 61 repositories under euclidean-distance topic.

  • derrickburns/generalized-kmeans-clustering

    Spark library for generalized K-Means clustering. Supports general Bregman divergences. Suitable for clustering probabilistic data, time series data, high dimensional data, and very large data.

  • seung-lab/euclidean-distance-transform-3d

    Euclidean distance & signed distance transform for multi-label 3D anisotropic images using marching parabolas.

  • tamerthamoqa/facenet-realtime-face-recognition

    A small-scale flask server facial recognition system, using a pre-trained facenet model with real-time web camera face recognition functionality, and a pre-trained Multi-Task Cascading Convolutional Neural Network (MTCNN) for face detection and cropping.

  • Happyxianyueveryday/statslibrary


  • AndrewB330/EuclideanMST

    Implementations of different algorithms for building Euclidean minimum spanning tree in k-dimensional space.

  • MohamadTarekk/EightPuzzle

    Eight Puzzle solver using BFS, DFS & A* search algorithms

  • tenindra/RN-kNN-Exp

    This project consists of implementations of several kNN algorithms for road networks (aka finding nearest points of interest) and the experimental framework to compare them from a research paper published in PVLDB 2016. You can use it to add new methods and/or queries or reproduce our experimental results.

  • hussain0048/Natural-language-processing

    This repository is a related to all about Natural Langauge Processing - an A-Z guide to the world of Data Science. This supplement contains the implementation of algorithms, statistical methods and techniques (in Python)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8204
  • energyinpython/distance-metrics-for-mcda

    Python 3 library for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis based on distance metrics, providing twenty different distance metrics.

  • PetePrattis/k-nearest-neighbors-algorithm-and-rating-prediction

    A Java console application that implements the factionality of the knn algorithm to find the similarity between a new user with only a few non zero ratings of some locations, find the k nearest neighbors through similarity score and then predict the ratings of the new user for the non rated locations.

  • DivineOmega/php-distance

    Allows for calculation of many types of distance between points

  • NHSDigital/ASC-Overview

    Code repository for Adult Social Care Overview

  • ahmed-BH/TextureBasedImageRetriever

    TextureBasedImageRetriever a Content Based Image Retriever that focuses on texture. It implements the offline phase which is the calulation of descriptors of all images in the datasetn, and the online phase that return the n-similar images from dataset given an input image.

  • bryandms/dele-viaje-graphql

    Graphql API to recommend tourist sites based on user search criteria using the Euclidean distance algorithm.

  • evgenygrobov/Customer_clustering.

    Clustered customers into distinct groups based on similarity among demographical and geographical parameters. Applied PCA to dispose insignificant and multi correlated variances. Defined optimal number of clusters for K-Means algorithm. Used Euclidian distance as a measure between centroids.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • Gigi-G/npuzzle

    The N-puzzle is a sliding puzzle that consists of a frame of numbered square tiles in random order with one tile missing. The puzzle can be of any size, with the most common sizes being 3x3 and 4x4. The objective of the puzzle is to rearrange the tiles to form a specific pattern.

  • KhaledAshrafH/KNN-Classifier

    This repository contains a Python implementation of a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier from scratch. It's applied to the "BankNote_Authentication" dataset, which consists of four features (variance, skew, curtosis, and entropy) and a class attribute indicating whether a banknote is real or forged.

  • mdshihabullah/federated-predicted-euclidean-distance

    Calculating pairwise euclidean distance matrix for horizontally partitioned data in federated learning environment

  • ak811/hsfc

    Hand Segmentation and Finger Counting with Convex Hull

  • darian-catalin-cucer/euclidean-algorithm

    Euclidean Algorithm is an efficient algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers. It repeatedly computes the remainder of the larger number divided by the smaller number until the remainder is zero, at which point the smaller number is the GCD.

  • gbroques/k-means

    K-Means and Bisecting K-Means clustering algorithms implemented in Python 3.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2301
  • PetePrattis/k-fold-cross-validation-and-Root-Mean-Square-error

    A Java console application that implemetns k-fold-cross-validation system to check the accuracy of predicted ratings compared to the actual ratings and RMSE to calculate the ideal k for our dataset.

  • PetePrattis/k-nearest-neighbors-for-similarity-by-binary-data

    A Java console application that implements the factionality of the knn algorithm to find the similarity between a new user's location preferences and the locations. The binary data (0,1) are the location characteristics.

  • Zatura/clickstream-content-sessionization

    Undergraduate thesis for Bachelor in Computer Engineering

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • areeba0/Image-Classification-using-Gaussian-Naive-Bayes-SVM-and-KNN

    the code uses KNN, Gaussian Naive Bayes & SVM to classify images. It preprocesses, normalizes data, applies PCA , computes accuracy, precision etc. It evaluates k-NN using Euclidean distance & cosine similarity, visualizing results with line plots, 3D scatter plots, & confusion matrices to demonstrate classifier performance.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • areeba0/Image-Segmentation-with-Lazy-Snapping-and-K-Means-Clustering

    This Jupyter notebook demonstrates image segmentation using Lazy Snapping and K-Means Clustering. It showcases how these algorithms can partition an image into segments based on pixel intensity and user-defined masks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • athlohangade/k-means-clustering

    This repo is about simple implementation of K-Means clustering algorithm.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • FattahWG/Tugas-Akhir

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Desktop Pengenalan Jenis Masker dengan Metode Color Histogram dan Euclidean Distance

  • ItsWajdy/categorical_features_euclidean_distance

    A python package to compute pairwise Euclidean distances on datasets with categorical features in little time

  • mbiggiero/STREQ

    A program for calculating various forms of structural equivalence of matrices.

  • moneebullah25/generic-c-dsa-algorithms

    Collection of Generic Data Structures and Algorithms in C.

  • PetePrattis/k-nearest-neighbors-accuracy-scores

    A Java console application that implemetns k-fold-cross-validation system to check the accuracy of predicted ratings compared to the actual ratings.

  • shuchita-rahman/A-Study-on-Text-Similarity-Measuring-Algorithm

    This work is for my thesis. This paper is published on I-IKM-2019

  • iris-knn-classifier


    Iris flower classification using k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) algorithm in Python. Simple, effective ML model for species prediction.

  • syamimazlan/Signal-Processing-and-Comms

    saving my matlab coding done for independent study project. probably not correct 100% i just wanna save it somewhere so that i can refer it back

  • Xiao-Lii/AssemblyLang-MASMx86-IrvineProjects

    Various algorithms developed utilizing some of Irvine's Library(32-bit). Please refer to for more info on installing Irvine's libraries to run the following programs.
