
There are 13 repositories under evds topic.

  • SermetPekin/evdspy-repo

    Python interface to make requests from EVDS API Server. Fast, efficient and user friendly solution. Caches results to avoid redundant requests. Creates excel files reading configuration text file that can be easily created from the menu or console. Provides visual menu to the user. It is extendable and importable for user's own python projects.

  • asari555/tcmb_evds_c

    A C library for reaching the database of The Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey.

  • DataRapi/Rapi

    Rapi package is an interface to make requests from data providers. Current version is able to connect to APIs of EDDS of CBRT (Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye) and FRED API of FED (Federal Reserve Bank).

  • emraher/cbRt

    R Interface to EDDS of CBRT

  • muhammedalikocabey/Flask-Website-For-Readily-and-Understandable-Graphs

    Building a website to illustrate popular economic topics in a readily understandable graphs

  • SermetPekin/evdschat

    evdschat is an open-source Python package designed to enhance the evdspy package by allowing users to interact with the evdschat Application. This Node.js project aims to provide the most specific and accurate data users request during conversations, based on arguments such as start date, end date, and aggregation type, as described in the evdspy.

  • SermetPekin/evdscpp

    evdscpp is a C++ library for fast, efficient, and user-friendly interaction with the EVDS API Server. Designed with performance in mind, it provides built-in caching, an Excel export option, and an intuitive user interface for configuring and retrieving data. evdscpp can be extended for integration with other C++ projects and offers options for use

  • syncoding/evdsts

    evdsts; Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası Elektronik Veri Dağıtım Sistemi (EVDS) API üzerinden makroekonomik veri alımı için geliştirilmiş bir Python uyarlamasıdır. evdsts, verdiği zaman serileri analizine hazır çıktılar ve diğer faydalı dönüşümleriyle; hem veri alımını hem de zaman serileri anzlizlerini kolaylaştırmak için dizayn edilmiştir.

  • alihanucar/evds_TCMB

    Data analysis with EVDS API

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • asari555/tcmb_evds

    A Rust crate for reaching the database of The Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey.

  • murattasdemir/EVDS

    R package as a wrapper to Electronic Data Distribution System API of Central Bank of Turkey

  • murattasdemir/evds-python

    TCMB tarafından yayımlanan istatistiki verilere python aracılığıyla erişmenize imkan sağlar.

  • murattasdemir/TCMB

    TCMB elektronik veri dağıtım sistemi (EVDS) üzerinden veri çekmek için R paketi.
