
There are 160 repositories under event-listeners topic.

  • rafgraph/detect-it

    Detect if a device is mouseOnly, touchOnly, or hybrid, and if the primary input is mouse or touch.

  • privatenumber/vue-pseudo-window

    🖼 Declaratively interface window/document/body in your Vue template

  • reactive-commons/reactive-commons-java

    Common abstractions for reactive microservices

  • privatenumber/vue-vnode-syringe

    🧬 Add attributes and event-listeners to <slot> content 💉

  • Alejandroq12/polyglot-talk

    As a polyglot who speaks French, Spanish, English, and Chinese, I am excited to share my experiences and insights on the importance of language learning in today's global society. In my talk, I will explore how learning multiple languages can broaden our perspectives, foster empathy and understanding, and open up new opportunities.

  • sharvilak11/vuetton

    A Simple Button component in Vue which supports disabling during asynchronous operations, customisation, size-color variations and much more

  • yogain123/Drum-Kit

    Drum 🥁 Kit

  • gowthamand/javascript-without-jquery


  • ryanpcmcquen/eventBoiler

    :volcano: A minimalist (<1KB) nano-library for using event listeners. Called with `evBo`.

  • sidhi-sid/corona_game

    Corona Game using Javascript

  • calculadora-logica-proposicional


    Pequeno projeto de uma "calculadora" de lógica proposicional.

  • Interactive-rating-component


    This is a solution to the Interactive rating component challenge on Frontend Mentor.

  • dltorrise/Youtube-Gif-Creations

    This is an application that uses the Youtube API and Giphy API to generate your own video. The idea is to enhance your listening experience by creating a video with a related gif.

  • marisabrantley/expanding-cards

    This expanding cards project features five different images of beaches in my area. When clicked, an image card expands while the other cards remain inactive. This is part of Brad Traversy's Udemy Course "50 Projects in 50 Days."

  • marisabrantley/guess-the-word

    This fun game has players enter letters while trying to guess the word with their 8 tries. The words are fetched from an API.

  • nazmulcse11/laravel8_notification

    In this series we will learn about laravel notifications

  • rajeski/weather-journal-app

    Udacity Front End Web Developer Nanodegree, Project 3. Weather Journal App

  • sofiane-abou-abderrahim/javascript-events-project-planner

    In this little JavaScript demo application, I used event listeners and specifically drag and drop events. I added and removed event listeners and get data out of the event object. Besides, I used the preventDefault method and controlled my events according to the capturing and bubble phases with stopPropagation and event delegation for example.

  • sofiane-abou-abderrahim/javascript-oop-project-planner

    I built this JavaScript application where we can move items around. I worked with classes and with the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) approach. I also worked with the DOM, I moved elements around and with event listeners. I used a callback pattern to pass functions to other instances so that from inside they could be called upon certain events.

  • AndrasE/port

    Dynamic Portfolio Webpage Vanilla JavaScript and CSS

  • anurag-handique/Weather-ForeCast

    The Weather App is a user-friendly web application that allows you to effortlessly check the weather forecast for cities around the world. With a sleek and intuitive interface, it provides real-time weather information, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather conditions, at your fingertips.

  • commonphp/events

    A powerful and flexible system to handle event-driven programming within PHP applications. It provides mechanisms for event registration, de-registration, triggering, and dynamic hook management.

  • DinaraDervel/itgirlschool2023-week12

    Comments service with spam filter

  • drawdejohn/Etch-A-Sketch

    Etch-A-Sketch is a browser-based sketchpad that allows users to create art by hovering their mouse over a grid of squares. The color of each square changes with each pass, creating a unique and colorful design. The app is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and demonstrates the developer's skills in DOM manipulation.

  • drawdejohn/rock-paper-scissors

    A simple rock-paper-scissors game built with HTML and JavaScript to demonstrate basic concepts such as DOM manipulation and event handling.

  • harmeetsingh11/drum-kit

    A web based Drum music Kit which contains the number of keys that represents drums in a typical drum set. When the user clicks or presses the key, it plays corresponding sounds of the drum. This site was made for fun. So, enjoy playing.🎶🎶

  • iamvpbhaskar/UnsplashAPIClone

    Unsplash API Clone

  • m-thompson-code/event-listener-types-output-target

    Stencil output target to generate event listener types

  • Mahmoud-AbouDeghedy/Matching-Memory-Game

    The "Memory Game" is a classic card-matching game built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It features a grid of 16 shuffled cards, each with a hidden image. Players must flip two cards at a time to find matching pairs. The game tracks moves, time, and best scores. To play, open the HTML file in a web browser and start matching cards.

  • mandaeliza/subscription-calculator

    Calculator used to provide the user with the cost of plans for different subscription types and durations

  • marisabrantley/github-repo-gallery

    The GitHub Repo Gallery project pulls data from GitHub API calls to populate username, bio, location, number of public repos, and individual repo information, which can be clicked on or searched using dynamic search functionality.

  • micahondiwa/javascript-learning_path

    JavaScript Learning path.

  • musatirgithub/CheckoutForm

    Checkout Page

  • somuchmoh/day22-100daysofcoding

    Day 22 of #100DaysOfCoding

  • studioprojects/steampunk-game

    working my way through an advanced 2D game by the wonderful frank's laboratory...a fantastic way to consolidate knowledge!
