There are 10 repositories under exam-project topic.
A console-based C# application designed for an exam project, showcasing key programming concepts such as data processing, user input handling, and concurrency management through a command-line interface.
Who Can Play is an initiative born of an end-of-study project aimed at democratizing access to video games for people with disabilities. The project is based on a community platform whose very essence depends on the active involvement of underline its users.
A simple book e-commerce Android application written in Java made for MOBI6059 - Mobile Programming final exam.
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DarkGlass Exam Platform – Modern Online Language Proficiency Exam Portal
This repository showcases my project for the second exam at Labfortraining, where I excelled in developing an Angular 16-based E-commerce site for shoes. Leveraging both course-acquired and self-taught skills, I ensured the site mirrored real-world platforms, implementing key features and even introducing multifiltering. My final score: 30/30
Online webshop project using MERN stack, and added PayPal integration.
A simple food e-commerce Android application written in Java made for MOBI6059 - Mobile Programming midterm exam.
counter-app built for the AltSchool Africa School of Engineering (Frontend) third semester examination
Repository contente la mia soluzione al progetto dell'esame di Introduction To Machine Learning svolto nel 2021.