
There are 16 repositories under exams-management-system topic.

  • robbert-harms/ybe

    Yaml Based Exams

  • AleksandrUsolcev/exams

    Сервис для проведения тестирований среди персонала

  • sneha-tarnekar/Online-Examination-System

    The project Online Examination System provides facility for students to give an online exam. Administrators to set different examination and question banks for registered students and members. The question bank will form the database of automated process.

  • ak4m410x01/Examination_Platform_API

    ExamSandbox is a secure examination platform using Docker for isolated code execution. Ideal for educational assessments, it offers a user-friendly interface, robust security measures, and detailed result evaluations.

  • LucasPlacentino/LinAlgHor

    Oral Exam Schedule Algorithm - Script utilisant la librairie PuLP pour un problème d'horaire et d'attribution de créneau

  • simboli/quiz-flask-app

    An open-source web app for creating and taking quizzes with ease.

  • SourceDoctor/examsresult

    An Exams Result Management Database for Teacher to handle easier and faster student results, including overview, simulation and result calculation

  • thinwind/ssexam


  • eyasir329/gstexambd

    It's my 2nd Semester C_Programming lab Project

  • kadirrbayar/PHP-Education-Exam

    PHP ile admin panelli online sınav platformu geliştirelim.

  • RGSHW/exams

    The clock used and projected during examinations in the main hall.

  • RGSHW/rgshw.github.io

    The selector site for the projection tools used in the main hall.

  • talkingtoaj/unique-exams

    Create a unique exam for every student

  • ahmedelbassiouny/ExamCanNum-Gen

    Generates exam numbers and randomized seating numbers for exams

  • amirkhaniansev/xems

    XEMS is a system for making examination process much more easier.

  • developerekene/Knowledge_City_Web

    The web version of Knowledge City using React js and Javascript. An E-learning platform to change the educational system in Africa. Knowledge City - I want to revolutionise the Educational system in Africa. Imagine this, creacting a possibility where a Secondary or University student can can still take his exams on the Knowledge City platform from his home even when he is sick. Classes will be recorded and posted for those and only those who because of one reason or the other will not be able to make it to school. With this students with health problems would never need to miss classes or exams just because of being sick. One platform to house all educational institutes around Africa, and also acting as Home tutor using registered voice signatures to communicate and guide students to performing better in their school activities.
