
There are 15 repositories under expess topic.

  • Anujraval24/UserAuthentication

    User Signup via Email | Phone ( OTP ) User Login Forgot Password via Email | Phone Reset Password Change Password

  • makdoom/password-manager

    Password Manager a fullstack MERN app which keeps track of all your credentials

  • 87danielbradley/EcoRoute

    Eco Route is a social media app centered around creating events with friends and chatting with attendees in each event. Event venues may be optimized based on attendees' travel time or one may select their desired location.

  • Just2Deep/VideoHouse

    VideoHouse: A Node.js-Powered Video Sharing Platform Backend

  • logeshkannan96/alerts-server-sent-events

    A server-sent event is when a web page automatically gets updates from a server. This was also possible before, but the web page would have to ask if any updates were available. With server-sent events, the updates come automatically. Examples: Facebook/Twitter updates, stock price updates, news feeds, sport results, etc.

  • msharmasharma/Sephora-Clone-Front-end

    Sephora is a French multinational retailer of personal care and beauty products. Featuring nearly 340 brands, along with its own private label, Sephora Collection.

  • vaibhavmorye/To-Do-List-MEAN-API

    MEAN Stack Api example

  • Ashik045/weblog

    Weblog is similar to a social media application. This application is fully responsive. On this application authenticated users can post their travel stories and read about others' travel experiences.

  • Vignesh-R-G/FlyEasy-Client

    A flight ticket reserving application which is developed using MERN Stack. The user can even select their seats based on their requirements.

  • 007tickooayush/node-cluster-test-poc

    Clustering in Node allows you to create multiple instances of your Node.js application, called worker processes, to take advantage of multi-core systems, distributing the workload across multiple threads,and improves the performance and scalability of your application. In the provided repository the specified proof of concept is tested.

  • Ashu190301/Weather-Report

    Weather App using Node js

  • harsha20599/edyst-s19-diy-pokedex

    An API service which returns the details of requested pokemon by ID.

  • nforesperance/Enpoint-Formulaire

    A Nodejs-Sequelize-Express based enpoint to get the schema of database tables

  • Ramprakash438/pettyCash_server-main

    A server side API for handling request to perform action using Nodejs, Express Js and MongoDB along with Mongoose. SendGrid for sending email notification.

  • richirrim/fizzbuzz

    Fizzbuzz API CRUD con TDD usando Jest y supertest | Práctica 1, Parte 2 de la semana 4 | LaunchX
