
There are 4 repositories under expo-server-sdk topic.

  • marianapatcosta/notify-me-solinca

    Mobile app developed with React Native using Expo, JWT authentication and Styled Components, to allow the clients of Solinca's fitness clubs to configure his/her favorite classes and clubs and receive a push notification when a spot is available for these classes and also easily check all the classes with available spots in the favorite clubs.

  • mayerprog/routine-app-api

    API for RoutineAppUI on Express.js and mongoDB

  • Nerdware-LLC/fixit-api

    Fixit API services built on NodeJS and Apollo GraphQL.

  • antoniorrm/api-push-notification-node

    Api em nodejs utilizando o expo-server-sdk para enviar push notifications para determinado aparelho ou para todos os aparalhos que ja foram enviados
