
There are 33 repositories under extinction topic.

  • dsilvestro/PyRate

    PyRate is a program to estimate speciation, extinction, and preservation rates from fossil occurrence data using a Bayesian framework.

  • kbarbary/extinction

    Fast interstellar dust extinction laws in Python

  • karllark/dust_extinction

    Astronomical Dust Extinction

  • jobovy/mwdust

    Dust maps in the Milky Way

  • divDyn/r-package

    R package for analysing diversity dynamics with fossil occurrences

  • mfouesneau/dustapprox

    A tool for computing approximative extinction coefficients

  • vnohhf/extinction_coefficient

    A astronomy Python package to provide temperature- and extinction-dependent empirical extinction coefficients

  • ruizca/gdpyc

    Gas and Dust Python Calculator

  • divDyn/ddPhanero

    Files to reproduce analyses of Phanerozoic-scale diversity dynamics with the 'divDyn' package

  • cjabradshaw/MegafaunaSusceptibility

    Build stochastic demographic models of extinct megafauna of Sahul

  • ledyba/awesome-jinrui


  • Alexis-Marion/Sequential-trait-evolution-sharks

    Github repository for "Sequential trait evolution did not drive deep-time diversification in sharks" article, published in Evolution

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Clara-Casabona/SpaColExt

    Infer spatial colonization and extinction dates

  • ezylstra/Zylstra_etal_2019_EcoApps

    Zylstra, E. R., D. E. Swann, B. R. Hossack, E. Muths, and R. J. Steidl. 2019. Drought-mediated extinction of an arid-land amphibian: insights from a spatially explicit dynamic occupancy model. Ecological Applications 29:e01859

  • FosSahul


    A comprehensive database of quality-rated fossil ages for Sahul’s Quaternary vertebrates

  • Hey000/Eye_blink_labview

    Hardware integration with LabVIEW

  • Xojo-ShutDown


    Logiciel permettant l'arrêt d'un PC ou d'un Mac Os // XOJO 2017+ requis

  • ritchiepulikottil/iot-based-system-to-repel-elephants

    Majority of the forest areas are getting destroyed, due to human population explosion and deforestation thereby causing Human- Animal Conflict. This has also resulted in tremendous agricultural losses. The proposed will be focusing mainly upon elephants rather than other animals in the wilderness. Currently Elephant identification are being done using CCTV, LVDT, etc. But these methods are very expensive and less accurate. The work in hand is an automated system for the identification of wild elephants and repel them back into their forest. The sensors are placed in two layers so as to track the presence of animals with greater accuracy. The first primary layer senses the movement of the animal in the vicinity. This is aided by InfraRed sensors/PIR sensors/ Sharp IR sensors. The next layer senses and confirms the vibrations of the elephant with the help of piezoelectric vibration sensor/seismic sensors and also helps in repelling the wild elephants back into the forest. As soon as the second layer confirms the intrusion of wild elephants, it sends alert signals to the base station using a GSM Module thereby alerting the concerned authorities to take necessary actions.

  • soniapetrini/fresh_water_shinyapp

    ShinyApp - Data Science and Economics. Visualise, realise, make a change.

  • Zzzhenya/Berlin-red-list

    This project is an effort to extract species data from a multitude of sources to form a singular list that reflects extinct species in Berlin.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • atomneb/dust

    For calculating dust scattering and extinction

  • bigpiventures/python-mammoth

    Convert Word documents (.docx files) to HTML

  • LDC_Eye_of_Gaia


    "The Eye of Gaia" is a data-art project developed for the Computational Design Laboratory course unit of the MSc of Design and Multimedia of the University of Coimbra regarding the topics of climate change and mass extinction.

  • NickDulvy/SharkReassessment

    Analysis and code to support the paper "Overfishing drives over one third of all sharks and rays toward a global extinction crisis" published in Current Biology on 6th September 2021

  • homosexuality-simulator


    Mendelian gene simulator to simulate homosexuality assuming polygenetic inherited recessive genes

  • ahmedMbassiouny/Text-Converter-extinsion

    web extinsion to convert Keyboard letters (Arabic to English) or (English to Arab) "Not a translation"

  • cjabradshaw/CyprusHippoElephant

    Demographic models predicting the effect of human hunting on now-extinct dwarf hippopotamus and dwarf elephant in Cyprus

  • cjabradshaw/legumeStatus

    R Code for correlating life history with status (threatened/invasive) of legumes

  • IcaroBernardes/bioperdaBR

    O Brasil tem mais de 4000 espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Essa página detalha como esse problema afeta a todos nós.

  • pbrus/unredden-stars

    This software determines the extinction for observed stars. The stars should be measured at least by means of three passbands. The theoretical sequence of stars on the color-color plane must be known.
