There are 29 repositories under facebook-oauth2 topic.
Spring Boot using OAuth2 and Facebook Login example
A movie review website using node.js, express, mongoDB. It provides Google and Facebook OAuth login along with password login. It uses chart.js to visualize number of likes on your post. You can add movie from available list or add yourself and post review. It also has features to comment on review. Review and comment can be deleted anytime by author. It has dashboard where your reviews are visualized. It facilitates linking of Google and Facebook account to one account and many more features.
💻 Sistema de login em MVC com PHP + Login social via Google e Facebook.
A simple Node.js client library for Facebook OAuth2.
Restaurants Menu app using Flask, SQLAlchemy with Google and Facebook OAuth2
Facebook API by Python Sample. This app could also help you to backup your facebook posts.
Rundiz OAuth - Use OAuth such as Google, Facebook to login and register WordPress users.
This is an API for registering and authenticating users. It uses JWT token and it supports different OAuth providers like Facebook, Google, etc
[ARCHIVED} An implementation of OAuth2 client implementation using PHP 7
Implementation of HTTP Web server with database using Python, SQLAlchemy and OAuth2
Pragmatic Authentication Library: Facebook workflows
Items' Catalog application is a RESTful web application that provides a catalog of items as well as a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items. The app also has JSON endpoints that serve the item information.This project was evaluated and met specifications as a part of the full stack web developer NanoDegree program by Udacity.
A Web Application to Display and Manage Restaurants and Menus
A Web Application that OAuth implementation of different social media platforms
The project is to develop an application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.
An MVC-architecture website I made for a small mobile application development business, BlueChipApps.
A news and blog app using Node.js
Now we will see social login on reactjs client-service. here we used for user sign up google, facebook, github and registration from. use can be login by username & Password and social login
Demonstrate how to use different OAuth 2.0 services - Google, Facebook, GitHub, Salesforce
A Spring-boot framework demo for facebook login flow
A deployed React/Rails/AWS/OAuth powered fullstack web app allowing you to take gifs of yourself, save them, and send them to your FB friends. https://gifizeme.herokuapp.com/
A deployed Rails/PostgreSQL/OAuth powered web app to help you with your Intermittent Fasting goals. https://ifbuddy.herokuapp.com
Facebook and Google OAuth 2.0 login in Node.js with Express framework and Passport.
Templates to get started with Google and Facebook Strategies, mostly to be used in hacks and save time :p
Spring Boot Demo Application to authenticate against Facebook and Google OAuth2
In this Java Spring Boot Project Spring Security for a demo web app is implemented. That includes 1. Form Login (multiple user with different roles) 2. Login using different 3rd party OAuth2 authentication support providers (e.g. GitHub, Google, Facebook) and more.
A simple application for study of integration OAuth 2.0. Providers Facebook and Google.
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