
There are 3 repositories under facetgrid topic.

  • milaan9/12_Python_Seaborn_Module

    Seaborn is one of the go-to tools for statistical data visualization in python. It has been actively developed since 2012 and in July 2018, the author released version 0.9. This version of Seaborn has several new plotting features, API changes and documentation updates which combine to enhance an already great library. This article will walk through a few of the highlights and show how to use the new scatter and line plot functions for quickly creating very useful visualizations of data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook22520198
  • vaitybharati/P06.-Seaborn-Visualization-Titanic

    Seaborn Visualization on Titanic Dataset Visual exploration of different features on No. of people survived or otherwise Visualization using FacetGrid function, Lambda function and criterion function Visualization of subplots

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • taglitis/bike-share-system-visualization

    Investigation and visualization of time related features in Bikesharing system dataset
