
There are 8 repositories under fail-safe topic.

  • ai-fail-safe/safe-reward

    a prototype for an AI safety library that allows an agent to maximize its reward by solving a puzzle in order to prevent the worst-case outcomes of perverse instantiation

  • jajoosiddhant/Advanced-Embedded-Software-Development-AESD

    Consists of Projects and Assignments Completed in Advanced Embedded Software Development Course | ECEN 5013-002 | University of Colorado, Boulder: System Calls, Kernel Modules, Cross-Compiling using buildroot, IPCs, FreeRTOS, Multithreading..

  • ai-fail-safe/gene-drive

    a project to ensure that all child processes created by an agent "inherit" the agent's safety controls

  • ai-fail-safe/honeypot

    a project to detect environment tampering on the part of an agent

  • ai-fail-safe/life-span

    a project to ensure an artificial agent will eventually reach the end of its existence

  • ai-fail-safe/mulligan

    a library designed to shut down an agent exhibiting unexpected behavior providing a potential "mulligan" to human civilization; IN CASE OF FAILURE, DO NOT JUST REMOVE THIS CONSTRAINT AND START IT BACK UP AGAIN

  • silas-wr/walrus

    Walrus logging utility for any project

  • mtumilowicz/java-iterator-fail-types

    Fail-fast vs fail-safe vs weakly-consistent iterators.
