
There are 13 repositories under fake-images topic.

  • Rydgel/Fake-images-please

    Fakeimg.pl is a little tool that generates images with an URL. Choose the size, the colors, even the text. Oh… and it’s free.

  • afsalashyana/FakeImageDetection

    Fake Image Detection Using Machine Learning

  • the-rubies-way/fake_picture

    Simple way to generate fake pictures by included in gem pictures for your blog, user and other type of seeds for dev env or even RSpec tests

  • z1311/Image-Manipulation-Detection

    Classifies a given image as authentic or tampered by doing two levels of analysis. Implemented using PyTorch.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21124
  • hklchung/GAN-GenerativeAdversarialNetwork

    Beginner's Guide to building GAN from scratch with Tensorflow and Keras

  • z1311/Fake-Aadhaar-Detection

    Classifies a given aadhaar image to real or fake by doing two levels of analysis.

  • barzansaeedpour/GANs-Fake-Image-Generation

    This repository shows how to build a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) in PyTorch to generate fake images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook310
  • jessy1092/fake-image-snippets

    Fake image please! snippets for Atom

  • Rendezvous97/Empowering-Journalists

    We believe that curbing this subset of fake news would involve providing the necessary tools to journalists and users who take the time to sift through trustworthy content. In this light, our solution is to devise a methodology and program to assist a journalist to identify if an image and associated title are trustworthy. The fundamentals of our approach are based on corroboration of news, i.e, the image must be used in credible news websites with text similar to that of the associated title for the image and text to be reliable. If not, we recommend that the journalist (or user) perform a human verification procedure.

  • NvsYashwanth/MNIST-GAN

    Understanding GANs with MNIST implementation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • XBACTYN/Fake-image-detector-agregator-NN-

    Separates real and fake images

  • dnwjddl/GAN_project

    GAN 프로젝트

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • TaKeTube/MNIST-GAN

    ✏️ ECE417 Final Project - Handwritten Digit Images Generation using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
