There are 25 repositories under fakeiteasy topic.
AutoFixture is an open source library for .NET designed to minimize the 'Arrange' phase of your unit tests in order to maximize maintainability. Its primary goal is to allow developers to focus on what is being tested rather than how to setup the test scenario, by making it easier to create object graphs containing test data.
Mocking Entity Framework Core operations such ToListAsync, FirstOrDefaultAsync etc
Self study: DDD, .net core, entity framework core
A generic model for using fakes and automocking on top of Machine.Specifications
Autofixture auto-mocking for XUnit2 using a mocking library of your choice.
A very simple, yet flexible, "AutoFaker" for FakeItEasy to easily auto generate classes with faked dependencies.
Building a Z80 emulator in C# as a .NET Standard Class Library. Includes a sample implementation in the form of a ZX Spectrum 48K emulator.
This is the companion repo for FakeItEasy Succinctly by Michael McCarthy. Published by Syncfusion.
Lib para trocar implementações injetadas via DI em tempo de execução nos testes integrados
Helpers for .net mocking frameworks
Demo Asp.net application using Riot.js and Hangfire.io created for a talk at Modern Devs Charlotte.
A cats listing grouped by owner's gender demo with .Net Core MVC following SOLID principles.
MarsRover Solution
Simple exercise to showcase c# test driven development. #netcore #mstest #fakeiteasy #tdd #fluentassertions #tpl #tpldataflows #pipelinepattern
Architecture Fundamentals: Architecting the Domain Layer
Automates fakeing of dependencies and makes it easy to access faked instanes, making your test classes more clean
Where I come to keep my C# sharp! An area where I can practice my skills, learn new libraries, try coding challenges, play with non-obvious solutions to a problem, examine performance and optimisations, experiment with language features I might not otherwise make use of, and generally push the limits of what I can do with the language.
This originally started life as a Coder Dojo programming exercise based on the popular, and well-known game "Minesweeper". It took on a life of its own, and became a full implementation to act as a non-trivial repo to experiment and practice with different libraries, tools, techniques, and language features.
Bookworm is a .NET web application which allows you to review books, have a unique profile and gain insight into other books that you might be interested in. This insight is gained using a recommender system which makes use of a machine learning algorithm from an open-sourced tool called MyMediaLite. Its architecture is designed using 5 layers, with MVC making up the first three layers followed by a service layer and a repository layer which carry out all database interactions
Repository to show the use of the different Mocking frameworks
ASP.NET Web API For Beginners Tutorial 2022
Unit Testing C# Learning | XUnit | FakeItEasy
An AutoFakerBinder for interfaces and abstract objects using FakeItEasy
This repository showcases examples of Unit Testing classes and individual functions in an ASP.NET application. I have spiced things up with some unit tests using xUnit, FakeItEasy, and Fluent Assertions. All these functions have very predictable results as to not over complicate the tests.