
There are 41 repositories under fastfouriertransform topic.

  • BrownianNotion/OptionFFT

    Python implementation of Fourier Transform pricing methods for the European call option, including the Fast-Fourier transform method described in Carr and Madan 1999.

  • mikex86/SonopyJava

    Java Implementation of the Sonopy Audio Feature Extraction Library by MycroftAI

  • yuhsinliu1993/FastFourierTransform

    implement FFT on 2-D images

  • holyhenry/uw-me-564-565

    A repo for (Fall 2022) ME564 & (Winter 2023) ME565 course

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5101
  • nyers33/caustics_textures

    generating periodic caustics pattern in space and time

  • vshantam/Gender-classification-Artificial-Neural-Nets

    This classifiers the gender of the person speaking in the singular audio file using Artificial Neural Networks

  • bayuwira/Kendang-Tunggal-Classification-Using-Backpropagation-and-Onset-Detection

    Bali has a diversity of arts that has been recognized by the world, where one of the most famous Balinese arts is the Karawitan art, especially the Kendang Tunggal instrument. Notation documentation or more commonly known as music transcription, can make learning a song easier, and in the case of this research, it makes it easier to learn to play the Kendang Tunggal instrument. The first approach method used to document a kendang tunggal song is onset detection. Onset is when the signal experiences an attack period, which helps segment the sound color of the drum instrument. The segmented kendang tunggal sound color classification uses the Backpropagation algorithm with several features of the frequency domain and time domain as a characteristic of the sound color. Then the kendang tunggal song is revived into a synthetic sound with the Mel Spectral Approximation filter. Based on the research, the optimal parameter for drum sound color segmentation with onset detection is the hop size 110 with normalization of the features on its onset detection function. The optimal backpropagation architecture obtained with a learning rate of 0.9, neurons 10, and epoch 2000 produces an accuracy of 60.85%. The synthesis method using the Mel Log Spectrum Approximation can make synthetic sounds similar to kendang songs with an accuracy of 83.33%

  • Const4nt0228/Android-FFT-Sound-Recognizer

    안드로이드 스마트폰 마이크를 이용한 주파수/음계추출

  • eugeneyuchunlin/fft-C

    Fast Fouier Transform in C

  • Francesco-Zeno-Costanzo/data-Analysis

    simple codes, useful in data analysis for physics student

  • psyGamer/cQualizer

    A hobby project for creating a Software which Visualizes Sound

  • margaritageleta/polynomial-calculator

    Polynomial calculator, with love 💕 (Contains the secret implementation of the Complex polynomials !!!!!)

  • parthpromax/Parallel-Computing-Fast-Fourier-Transform-Using-MPI

    Impletation of FFT using MPI in C(Parallel Computing)

  • saramohamed55/Digital-signal-processing

    Make operation on signal with c# (FIR/IIR Filters)

  • Team-SPDPowerRangers/Signal-Denoising-Using-FFT

    The mathematical concept of Fast Fourier Transform is used to De-Noise a signal.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2001
  • Dual-Tone-Multi-Frequency-Decoder


    Leading a team for CS 1330, we built a DTMF Decoder in Python, utilizing FFT and machine learning to analyze and decode dial tones from WAV files into digits, showcasing advanced signal processing skills.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • Gunmetal-61/FFT-Audio-Speaker-MCU

    A custom bluetooth speaker project conceived from an FFT mini-project. This MCU version serves as a test bed for the FPGA version.

  • jakubowiczish/fortran-task2

    My solution for Fortran assignment - task 2

  • rusruskov/Fortran-FFT

    A Python module which calls Fortran subroutines to perform a Fast Fourier Transform.

  • Team-SPDPowerRangers/Image-Denoising-Using-FFT

    We use the mathematical concept of Fast Fourier Transform to compress an image.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1000
  • abs711/Data-Analysis

    Exploration of computational methods for data analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • anton-mel/Algorithms

    Proof Based Algorithms HW (CPSC 365) with Professor Andre Wibisono

  • ecruhue/phyphox_activity-detection

    using mobile sensor by phyphox to collect data and build a zoom-in adaptation for better posture

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • hariharan1412/FFT-epicycles

    FFT-epicycle | What else could be a better way to learn about Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT). Here is the Fourier Epicycles drawing "HELLO WORLD" using only sinusoidal waves a.k.a sine and cosine waves.

  • JLin37/Environment_Sensing

    Predicting Forces acting on drones using sensor data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • KunalSingh-Physics/denoise_audio

    A simple program that can denoise audio signals. This Program was written by Kunal Singh, Vidhi Tailor and Nilay Ghalsasi of St. Xaviers College, Mumbai as a part of their college project

  • leesfy/FFT

    Fast Fourier Transform on C++/Python with parallelism

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0110
  • mfteloglu/audio-visualizer

    Python based audio visualizer

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100

    A Simple implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform for 1D and 2D data in C

  • Russolves/Cochlear-Implant-Project

    MATLAB code for Cochlear Implant Project that aims to explore the nuances of speech-to-speech, melody-to-melody signal processing.

  • strangequarkkk/The-Shooting-Method-and-Fast-Fourier-Transform

    Discretization of the time independent Schrodinger equation, shooting method to numerically compute eigenfunctions & eigenvalues of the quantum harmonic oscillator, normalization of the eigenfunctions, and fast fourier transform

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • T03TU/2D_FFT_Project

    Just an implementation of the 2D FFT used to process images. It also contains implementations of convolution kernels like Gaussian kernel (mostly used in blurring images). CAUTION: The GUI is poorly designed lol. This was used to analyze non-uniform 2D samples using FFT which was the focus of my 3rd year project in uni. I hope it helps anyone :)

  • thomassamoth/violin-tuner

    Tune a violin with Python. It uses Fast Fourier Transform to get the frequency.

  • AvinashUmmagani/Speech-Enhancer

    Speech Enhancement using Spectral Subtraction Type Algorithm

  • chelsey0527/TECHIN513

    Digital and Signal Processing

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Milind-Ranjan/Automated-Guitar-Tuner

    Automated Guitar Tuner: An Arduino-based project that uses a stepper motor and FFT analysis to automatically tune a guitar. The system captures and analyzes the guitar string’s frequency, adjusts the tuning peg, and ensures each string is perfectly in tune.
