
There are 12 repositories under fasttree topic.

  • tahiri-lab/aPhyloGeo-pipeline

    Phylogeographic workflow using sliding-windows, RAxML-NG and FastTree

  • Brainydaps/BumbleFormula

    This is the first of its kind publicly available source code of an AI that predicts human behavior in a very specific context. Are you tired of getting disappointed or heart broken in your search for love on dating apps? This is the software for you! It predicts behaviors of Nigerian ladies between the ages of 18 to 35 living in nigeria

  • srijan-Git1247/ML.Net-Application-CarPricePrediction

    A Binary Classification application to predict if a car price is good deal or not based on a set of attributes using FastTree trainer based on the Multiple Additive Regression Trees (MART).

  • fastuptime/Fast_Tree_Social_Reference

    Fast Tree & Social Reference

  • pegi3s/pss-fs

    FastScreen: a Compi pipeline for Fast Screening of PSS (Positively Selected Sites).

  • annalisaxamin/CMG_project

    This project is part of the course of Computational Microbial Genomics, held by Nicola Segata (A.Y. 2021-2022) @ University of Trento.

  • ayoraind/SKA_phylogeny

    A Nextflow pipeline to generate a phylogenetic tree from SKA alignment

  • clabe-wekesa/SATO

    A python pipeline that brings together tools for generation of consensus sequence, multiple sequence alignment, and phylogenetic analysis.

  • girgisadel/RegressionUsingCsharp

    A machine learning project to predict taxi fares using ML.NET. This solution includes end-to-end data preprocessing, training, evaluation, and prediction, designed for both learning and practical deployment.

  • LaurenQ2/Microbiome-Analysis-in-QIIME2

    Microbiome analysis pipeline with reference tutorial. This code was written in October 2024 to process rRNA marker gene data (16S and ITS) from rhizosphere soil samples.

  • Anand-Research-Group/complex-I

    This repository contains a set of scripts and workflows designed to search for Respiratory Complex I (NADH Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase) subunits in prokaryotic genomes and proteomes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • ranking-cli


    A command line tool for training and evaluating ranking models using LightGBM and FastTree
