
There are 51 repositories under fellowship topic.

  • awesome-computer-science-opportunities


    An awesome list of events and fellowship opportunities for Computer Science students

  • SouravDutta91/AI-Residency-List

    List of AI Residency & Research programs, Ph.D Fellowships, Research Internships

  • suco-gt/HPC-Internships

    Supercomputing @ GT has compiled a list of organizations that offer internships and experiences in HPC and applications of HPC.

  • codeforthailand/study-abroad

    รวมทุนศึกษาต่างประเทศในสาขาคอมพิวเตอร์และสาขาอื่นๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง

  • cyrilchukwuebuka/github-topic-manager

    As a Developer, I find it strenuous whenever I wish to add Topic(s) to a repository or multiple repositories of mine and also as a lover of automation and one who loves to proffer solutions to challenging problems, I came up with this project to help solve the obvious problem.

  • dhhruv/todo

    This Script/Program is written as a part of CoronaSafe Engineering Fellowship Test Problem by Pupilfirst in the Python Programming Language passing all the test cases as given in the .js file. Proof of all Test Cases passing is as shown below.

  • Itshyphen/meDossier

    Decentralized medical record storage web app

  • akshatvg/CodeAsylums-Community-Website

    Official website for Code Asylums Community.

  • JIFGeorgetown/apply

    Apply for the Judicial Innovation Fellowship -- placing technologists and designers in state, local, tribal, and territorial courts to improve the public's access to justice.

  • PragatiVerma18/Fantastic-Falcons

    A website that features everything about MLH Fellowship(Batch 1) - Pod 1.0.0 or Fantastic Falcons. Browse through all projects, blogs, videos, and more from this amazing pod. Happy Hacking!!

  • codingcrows/codingcrows.github.io

    This is the official website of the Pod 1.1.0 (Coding Crows) in the MLH Fellowship, Oct 2020 batch. Made with love by Saad Irfan and Angelina Gasharova. Hosted on GH pages.

  • Stroller15/ProfRater

    ProfRater is an AI-powered assistant designed to help students make informed decisions about their education. Leveraging advanced AI algorithms from OpenAI and a robust search system with Pinecone, ProfRater provides personalized professor ratings, reviews, and recommendations, all within a sleek Next.js web app.

  • urvesh254/fellowship-program-Todo

    This Script/Program is written as a part of CoronaSafe Engineering Fellowship Test Problem by Pupilfirst in the Java Programming Language passing all the test cases as given in the .js file. Proof of all Test Cases passing is as shown below.

  • yacademy/yacademy.github.io

    yacademy site

  • AbdulRehmanGHub/Bytewise_Fellowship

    As a Bytewise Limited fellow, I will include all my work and projects in this repository. Frontend Web Development related all work and assignments will be included in this repo.

  • avinashbest/todo-list-cpp

    CoronaSafe Engineering Fellowship Test Problem, Making Todo List in C++, which is a simple command line based program.

  • avinashhsinghh/Sentiment-Analysis-using-RNN-_-LSTM-ULMFiT-

    Sentiment-Analysis using RNN LSTM ULMFiT

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • ComradeNapCali/MyFellowDumper

    A game data dumper for Python 2 versions of Toontown Fellowship.

  • f3chicago/f3chicago-website

    F3 Chicago Website Version 2.0

  • gpahal/solana-fellowship

    Stuff I worked on as part of the Solana Fellowship

  • hamadhassan/BookList-App

    Easily track books you've read, books you're reading, and books you want to read.

  • hamadhassan/Rock-Paper-Scissors-Game

    Rock paper scissors is a hand game originating from China, usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are "rock", "paper", and "scissors".

  • hamadhassan/Star-Ratings

    A simple star rating application

  • hamadhassan/Weather-App-With-Vanilla-Javascript

    The following approach covers how to create a Weather Application in Vanilla JavaScript using Open Weather Map API.

  • binancex.github.io


    Landing page for Binance X's developer platform fellowship program.

  • rajpratyush/To-Do-CLI-App

  • shreya9347/to-do

    CoronaSafe Engineering Fellowship Test Problem by Pupilfirst in the Python Programming Language

  • tellor-io/tellorAccess

    A streamlined tellor run by a group of trusted signers

  • durdure/aastufocus

    “Kana malees, guyyaa guyyaatti waldoota Kristiyaanaatiif yaadda'uun anatti ulfaachaa jira.” — 2Qor. 11:28

  • Laugharne/ssf_s2_exo

    Build a web UI that can handle creation of a token, it's mint, transfer of that token, burning the token supply, and delegation the ata of this token to another public key.

  • Laugharne/ssf_s3_exo

    Build an asset manager’s vault, where customers can deposit SPL tokens of their choice. The vault manager should not be able to withdraw the vault’s funds.

  • Laugharne/ssf_s4_exo

    Build a native Solana program to create/initialize an account, deposit SOL into it, and withdraw 10% of the deposited SOL at a given time from it.

  • Laugharne/ssf_s6_exo

    Build a Point-Of-Sale Web UI for adding products and checking out with Solana Pay. The payment confirmation should be displayed after checkout.

  • Stroller15/AI-Flashcard

    Flashcard SaaS is a user-friendly platform that transforms your notes into intelligent, concise flashcards, optimized for effective studying. With effortless content creation, AI-driven study aids, and universal access across all your devices, studying has never been easier or more convenient.

  • Stroller15/pantry-keeper
