
There are 5 repositories under file-content topic.

  • dsccommunity/FileContentDsc

    DSC resources for setting the content of files. Configuration text files are the most common use case for this module.

  • AngryCarrot789/FolderDeepSearch

    A simple program for deep searching through folders, files and file contents to search for a specific string of text. can also search recursively. Uses WPF and the MVVM structure

  • mstrluke/file-content-reader

    This package can read any type of files and make object of KV, where Key is equal path and Value is file content.

  • qwqoro/ML-Corrupted

    📊 [ML] Classification Problem Solution: Guessing the type of a corrupted file

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • arno06/nszipfilereader

    Nativescript plugin that allows reading string file content within a zip archive without full unzipping
