
There are 5 repositories under file-extracts topic.

  • mohamedhaddi/recursive-extractor

    Extract a recursively compressed single file (multiple archive formats).

  • scrappy


    Scrappy: A CLI tool for extracting and concatenating text files from a directory structure, making it easy to ask questions about your codebase using GPT-like models.

  • AnshulxD/CrackZipto

    Zip file password recovery tool.

  • anupam1608/File-Extractor

    Bash script that takes a file path as command line argument and then extracts the file according to its format. The file can be of any compressed format like .tar,.tar.gz,.tar.bz2,.bz2,.zip etc.

  • Better-Computing-Consulting/imanage-export-matters-files

    This utility takes a file containing a list of iManage client and matter numbers and exports the files for each matter from the document management system to a specified root folder.

    Language:Visual Basic .NET00