
There are 74 repositories under file-handling-in-c topic.

  • AtharvaKulkarniIT/VIT-CommSuite-socket-in-C

    Real-time, dynamic communication within VIT-CommSuite using socket programming in C .Our solution leverages multithreading to facilitate instant interactions, allowing seamless exchanges without relying on conventional chat terminology. Share text and program files in a secure, efficient environment,redefining how students and teachers communicate.

  • Kranthi-Guribilli/Phonebook-Management-System

    Phonebook Management System is a console application without any graphics

  • jaydattpatel/C-Programs

    C language Programs

  • Starbirth/C

    C programs, File handling

  • stelloop/OS-projects-fall2020

    My solutions to all the programing assignments of the course "K22-Operating Systems" of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as taught in 2020-2021 by professor Alex Delis.

  • adinarad/C-Railway-Reservation-System

    Railway reservation system application, written using C language. Persistent data is stored in text files using file handling.

  • beekayg15/C-Mini-Project

    A project bringing to life, the digital version of the primitive Bulls and Cows game, created using C language.

  • Bikash-nath/Hotel-Management

    A Hotel Management project application written in C using concepts of file handling, structures, etc.

  • cecvl/pharmacy-point-of-sale-system

    adding a file system

  • hemant2132/QuizWiz

    A quiz game implemented in C, having many notable features through the effective use of file handling.

  • humzakt/C-Programming

    My codes of C programming language basics of my lab projects of Computer Science Degree.

  • Shardy30/Anilist

    This is a C project which uses file handling and windows terminal commands to execute various functionalities such as browsing particular sites for a given query and much more all related to animes. Get your favorite wallpapers, search for your favorite anime or maintain a watchlist with added functionalities just through this simple application which can be easily run on command line.

  • 3mrotaha/Payment-System-in-C

    a payment system built using c, it takes the user card data and check its validity in the database file and based on that a transaction is accepted or rejected and finally the transaction is saved and the c runs a python script that generates a bill (formated docx file) with the transaction data saved in the log

  • ak-cse/C-Programming

    C Programs for Practice

  • anshika1812/Library_Management_System

    This repository is solely made using C language & contains code files that together make up a console-based Library Management System, which employs the use of Linked List & File Handling.

  • buketgencaydin/C-Programming

    C Programming Projects, Homeworks

  • cecvl/Airline-Ticket-Booking-System

    exploring structured programming

  • Dare-marvel/C-programming--Problem-Solving-through-Imperative-Programming-Lab--PSIPL--

    📜 Welcome to the C Programming Repository! 📚✨ Immerse yourself in a meticulously curated knowledge bank on C Programming. 🌐💡 Explore the intricacies of coding, algorithms, and efficient programming techniques. 🚀💻 Master the art of C language in this dynamic space! 👨‍💻🌐

  • echoSTROMLOS/Easy-C-File

    "Easy-C-File" library simplifies complex C file handling by providing a relatively higher-level abstraction, resulting in a user-friendly experience.

  • hashtaghari/Routing-App

    We aim to create a routing application which will give us the best possible path to travel in a city, given the length of each road and the traffic data. Refer to the README file for more details.

  • IamRiddhi/C-Programs

    Contains all C Programs I have done so far, covering some basic programs , Data Structures like Linked List ,Priority Queues,Stacks,Trees etc in detail, and File Handling as well. Some Projects are also included with few games that I made in C.

  • ImRohitSingh/Data-Structures

    Data structures implemented using C

  • lucasvianav/c-file-organization-sql

    Repository for the "SCC0215 - File Organization" course's project offered for Computer Science undergraduates at ICMC - USP, by professor Cristina Ciferri.

  • NikamRohan/Expense-Manager

    A Terminal Based Manager Developed Using C that helps to Track Daily Expenses.

  • nin-ran-jan/OS-Assignments

    This repository contains all the assignments completed in the CSE231 (Operating Systems) course at @IIIT-Delhi. There were a multitude of concepts taught in each of these assessments, each mentioned in the directory name. Each folder contains an independent README.txt file for the explanation of the concepts used. This course was taught by Professor Arani Bhattacharya.

  • savindug/anonymous-storage

    anonymous storage application using c socket programming

  • C


    Advance C

  • shashankarya9999/C-Programs

    This repository is dedicated to showcasing my journey through the world of C Programming. It serves as a collection of projects, exercises, assignments, and resources related to C.

  • sumitgirwal/Info-Collector-CPP-Project

    This is C++ project on collection of information. its a simple GUI application in C++ graphics.

  • the-it-weirdo/EmployeeManagementSystem-C

    This is my 1st ever project in CS.

  • DilZhaan/MyFirstCGame-TikTakToe

    This is a simple console-based game that runs on the command prompt. The game is played by two players who take turns to mark X or O on a grid (grid size can change to players). The player who gets same marks in a row, column, or diagonal wins the game. This game was created as a learning project for a programming assignment.

  • estefaniadlk/Pet-Shop-Information-System

    Repo for my Uni project in Advanced Programming

  • hardik3412/Sports-Management-System-in-C

    A sports management system in C, facilitating efficient organization and tracking of sports-related data. Utilizes file handling for seamless data storage and retrieval. Ideal for managing teams, players, and match information.

  • Finix-07/Bank-Management-using-C-concepts

    1st semester project

  • jackr276/Traversing-Directories-in-C

    A simple program that uses a recursive depth-first algorithm to traverse directories in C

  • Rohith213/DSA-PROJECT

    A Data Structures and Application Project
